Alles zum Thema Natur
Finde hier passende Menschen, Organisationen, Unternehmen und Impact Startups, die sich mit dem Thema Natur beschäftigen.
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Unternehmen, Organisationen und Vereine im
Dein Klima e.V.
Life e.V.
natureOffice GmbH
Biosphärenreservatsamt Schaalsee-Elbe
Heckenretter e.V.
Obenaus Community
Ankündigungen / Neuigkeiten
Podcast mit Gerald Ziegler und Jutta Kallies-Schweiger - Die Gestaltung lebenswerter Arbeitswelten
Hier empfehle ich von Herzen mein aktuelles Podcast Gespräch mit Change Maker und Zukunftsgestalter Gerald Ziegler:
Author Cara de Lange about "Redefining Success"
This event is offered by the Women Lead Community (WLC) and is for women only to create a safe space. The link is leading to the event details on the WLC where you can RSVP:
Please make sure to register on the WLC at least 10 minutes prior to the event!
About the Workshop:
Cara de Lange will come to share her experience & tips to Redefine Your Success & How to step Fully into your Power as a woman while preventing burnout, which she writes about in her book Softer Success. She will also share concrete tools and best practices.
About Cara: My work brings science and the heart together. Author of Softer Success, Prevent Burnout, Find Balance & Redefine Your Success, I’ve spent the last 8 years researching burnout, our complex nervous systems and what brings us joy and have worked with psychologists, scientists and researchers at King’s College London, Sheffield University, Imperial College London, Leuven University and am part of the Human Flourishing Network at Harvard.
I teach you how to alchemise your life & your business with flow & joy. I’m a Business Alchemist, Mentor, Author, Speaker, Heartful leader, Researcher, Consultant, Mother and Nature lover. Cara focuses on Leading from the Heart, Redefine Your Success, Authentic Self Expression, Prosperity & implementing Business Intuition
The event is part of the WLC Learning Offers. The WLC also offers regular peer-coaching and networking formats.
My Work My work brings science and the heart together. Author of Softer Success, Prevent Burnout, Find Balance & Redefine Your Success, I’ve spent the l...
Free workshops on The Impact Garden – a regenerative theory of change [at Unity Effect]
Believe it or not, we are convinced that the processes of measurement and evaluation can actually serve to increase understanding, foster participation, and deepen our impact.
Rooted in a regenerative approach to measurement and evaluation, Unity Effect’s Impact Garden model draws on the metaphor of living systems and nature. Rather than “comparing apples and oranges”, the model seeks to understand the soil and ecosystem in which the apple and orange trees grow.
If you join, there will also be a surprise for you at the end of the workshop.
When: Tuesday 1st October 2024 (4-5.30pm CEST) and Wednesday 23rd October 2024 (4-5.30pm CEST)
Facilitated by: Jannik Kaiser
Sign up here:
1st October 2024:
23rd October 2024:
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