Alles zum Thema Mediation
Finde hier passende Menschen, Organisationen, Unternehmen und Impact Startups, die sich mit dem Thema Mediation beschäftigen.
Menschen im
Unternehmen, Organisationen und Vereine im
#AdaptiveOrg - Das Organisationsmodell für Impact- und Purpose-Unternehmen
Cannot beat experience CANNOBE KG
meta-system GmbH
Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies
Ankündigungen / Neuigkeiten
Ist gerade alles zuviel?
Ich lade Dich ein, eine Pause einzulegen und meine geführte Atem-Mediation zu nutzen, um zurück in die Ruhe zu finden:
Heute Abend 20Uhr: Atem-Mediation und Impulse für kreatives Erblühen
Manchmal fehlen uns die Worte, um auszudrücken, was in uns vorgeht. Dabei ist es wichtig, dem Ausdruck zu verleihen, was wir sagen möchten. Besonders dann, wenn es schwer fällt.
Um 20Uhr halte ich eine online Atem-Meditation und gebe Impulse für kreatives Erblühen.
Es braucht keine Vorkenntnisse, nur die Bereitschaft, den Blick ins Innere zu werfen, satt wieder in einer Flut von Nachrichten zu ertrinken.
Ich freue mich auf Euch!
Kontemplative Sessions, die dir Zugang zu deiner Kreativität ermöglichen. Das Ziel ist das Erreichen eines tiefen mentalen Zustandes der Verbundenheit z...

Sign up to the online course: Building Effectiveness, Resilience and Conflict Resolution Skills
Are you interested in find a dynamic balance between effectiveness and resilience for yourself and your team? Do you find it difficult to deal with tensions and conflicts in your work environment?
We see this a lot in the work we do with our clients at Purpose+Motion... This is why Pablo has put together a short and impactful online course for you to benefit from our experience.
🎯 What will you take out?
In this course consisting of 3 online workshops and a 45-minute one-on-one mentorship online call, you will receive proven methods to increase (team and personal) effectiveness and resilience which will have a positive impact in the way you work together, take care of what is important, and will guide the way your team / organizations deal with tensions and resolve conflicts.
These online workshops are for you if:
🔶 You manage teams and want to improve the way you lead, coordinate actions, and mediate in conflicts.
🔶 You want to become more effective at coordinating actions, negotiations and articulating agreements
🔶 You want to learn how to take better care of yourself and your relationships in your work context.
🔶 You want to improve the skills you have to mediate and solve conflicts.
🔶 You want to learn from other examples/ companies how to become more effective and resilient.
👉 The first workshop takes place on 23 July. Learn more + sign up (early bird price until 10 July):
🤔 Interested but still have some questions and want to learn a bit more? Join the FREE Q&A session on 10 July (12.00-12.45 CEST):
Eventbrite - Purpose+Motion presents Building Effectiveness, Resilience and Conflict Resolution Skills - Tuesday, July 23, 2024 - Find event and ticket ...
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Sign up to the online course: Building Effectiveness, Resilience and Conflict...
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