Megatrend E-Health

Finde hier Menschen, Organisationen, Unternehmen und Impact Startups aus dem Netzwerk, die sich mit dem Megatrend E-Health beschäftigen.

Menschen im

Dana Roesiger
Kommunikation, Projektmanagement, Eventmanagement, Pressesprecherin, Fotografin, ...

Susanne Reichmann
Logopädin in eigener Praxis

Friedel Patzak
Independent Product Lead

Impact Startups, im

Impact Startup

ÜG Über Grenzen gGmbH
Status: 2. Ein laufender Prototyp
Digitale Lösungen zum Support von Helfenden
3. Gesundes Leben für alle
4. Bildung für alle
5. Gleichstellung der Geschlechter
Impact Startup

Status: 1. Ideenphase
Durch die Förderung einer zukunftsfähigen Arbeitskultur stärkt ovao sowohl das Wo...
3. Gesundes Leben für alle
4. Bildung für alle
8. Nachhaltiges Wirtschaftswachstum und menschenwürdige Arbeit für alle
Impact Startup

mentalhub DE
Status: 1. Ideenphase
Eine Gemeinschaft auf Augenhöhe - digitale Peer Support Plattform für Menschen mi...
3. Gesundes Leben für alle
10. Ungleichheit verringern
Impact Startup

Status: 1. Ideenphase
Die Vielfalt und Verfügbarkeit von Heilwässern auf einer internationalen Plattfor...
4. Bildung für alle
8. Nachhaltiges Wirtschaftswachstum und menschenwürdige Arbeit für alle
9. Widerstandsfähige Infrastruktur und nachhaltige Industrialisierung
Impact Startup

Work That Period
Status: 3. In der Durchführung
Wissensbereitstellung, Austausch- und Supportmöglichkeiten, Kommunikationsübungen
3. Gesundes Leben für alle
5. Gleichstellung der Geschlechter
10. Ungleichheit verringern
Impact Startup

REDEZEIT FÜR DICH #virtualsupporttalks
Status: 3. In der Durchführung
Reden hilft, um eigene psychische Belastungen und Grenzen besser wahrzunehmen und...
3. Gesundes Leben für alle

Kampagnen & Aktionen im

Kampagne / Aktion

Walk & Talk: reflecta@Berlin Treffen
Die Offline Vernetzung der Berliner reflectas
1. Armut beenden
2. Ernährung sichern
3. Gesundes Leben für alle
Kampagne / Aktion

Münster bewegt
Lokale Klima-Währung
11. Nachhaltige Städte und Kommunen
Kampagne / Aktion

Psychischer Umgang mit dem Klimawandel
3. Gesundes Leben für alle

Ankündigungen / Neuigkeiten

Znevr Nanvf Mbggavpx
teilt etwas mit · vor mehr als 2 Jahren

We need Support!

  Details zum Jobangebot

We need support to give support - we are looking for a Software Developer!

Join us in October '22 in the incubator in Berlin and become a long-term part of our team! In addition to high-quality coaching and mentoring, a workplace in the heart of Berlin, financing, an exciting interdisciplinary collaboration, the incubator provides unique experiences to grow and develop both personnally and professionally.

We believe that the digital transformation offers new opportunities to help people address mental and physical suffering. Our mission is to provide people suffering from traumatic experiences and those who help them a better, expanded and accessible support system through digital tools.

For the joint realisation of this goal and for the technical further development of our MVP, we are looking for a Software developer who, as an essential addition to our interdisciplinary team, will drive product development of our mobile application forward and shape the vision of blended support together with us.

If our vision appeals to you and you are looking for a new challenge, we would be happy to receive an e-mail from you! We are open to questions and look forward to getting to know you...

Basic Qualifications:

Ø Bachelor´s degree in Computer Science

Ø 2+ years of relevant industry experience

Ø Strong coding skills in

o C# including object oriented design


o Angular

o Cross platform mobile app development



o Javascript

Ø Demonstrated experience in MSSQL

Ø Knowledge on web protocols like http, REST and demonstrated experience in writing REST APIs

Ø 1+ years of experience contributing to the architecture and design (architecture, design patterns, reliability and scaling) of new and current systems

Ø Experience with IDEs such as Visual Studio, Visual Studio Code, SQL Server Manegement Studio

Ø +1 years of experience in creating network infrastructures

Ø Ability to learn new technologies

Ø Fluent written and verbal communication skills in English

Ø Strong problem solving skills

Ø Strong sense of ownership

Preferred Qualifications:

Ø Advanced degree (MS, M.Eng) in computer science or related field or 3+ years of relevant industry experience

Ø Experience in hosting codes on servers

Ø Experience in publishing apps on android and IOS

Ø Fluent written and verbal communications skills in German

Our corporate philosophy:

Ø Flat hierarchies and respectful interaction at eye level

Ø Reliability, trust and team spirit

Ø Commitment and identification with our corporate vision

Ø Self-organisation and responsibility

We offer you:

Ø To be part of the development of an e-health product and to innovate in the e-health sector to significantly improve the care of traumatised people.

Ø A beautiful, multidisciplinary team with a great & supporting team culture

Ø Opportunity for growth, learnings, network & financing by the incubator programme and potentially company shares.

Ø Autonomy and "plenty of room to breathe" in your areas of expertise.

Mail: [email protected]

https://www.linkedin. com/company/blended-support/


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