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Impact Startups

Impact Startup

social-startups.de (Social Startups Media)
Status: 3. In der Durchführung
Wir wollen Sichtbarkeit schaffen. Das erreichen wir durch die Veröffentlichung vo...
4. Bildung für alle
8. Nachhaltiges Wirtschaftswachstum und menschenwürdige Arbeit für alle
12. Nachhaltige Konsum- und Produktionsweisen



Torsten Schreiber
Gründer & CTO @Solarbakery, Co-Gründer @SOCHILI, Co-Gründer @social start...

Alexander Ohrt
Co-Founder Waterkant Festival @opencampus.sh, Community Management @starterkitc...

Nils Nettersheim
Gründer @keep it grün

Stephan Weiss
Innovationmanager @Generali Deutschland, Ambassdor @The Human Safety Net, Start...

Nils Bremann
Rechtsanwalt für Startups @Rechtsanwalt Nils Bremann - Der Startup Anwalt

Heiko Spark
Gründer/Geschäftsführer @nicsen & spark consulting, IKARUS yoga wear for men...

Günter Schmittberger
Fundraiser for startups and venture funds @Schmittberger Cooperationsmanagement,...

Samuel Andert
Co-Founder & CEO @Visioncreator GmbH


Thvqb Jrfg
teilt etwas mit · vor 10 Monaten

** Startups aufgepasst! Gemeinsam für eine grünere Zukunft **

  ** Startups aufgepasst! Gemeinsam für eine grünere Zukunft **

Ihr habt eine bahnbrechende Lösung für die Klimakrise oder den Erhalt der Biodiversität entwickelt? Dann kommt zu zeroland und werdet Teil unseres Portfolios ausgewählter Lösungsanbieter!

Als Gründerteam von zeroland blicken wir auf über 20 Jahre Vertriebs- und Projektmanagementerfahrung in digitalen und GreenTech Startups zurück und wollen euch gerne beim Aufbau unterstützen. 

**Was wir bieten:**
- **Aufbau und Optimierung vertrieblicher Prozesse**: Wir helfen euch, eure Sales-Pipeline zu erweitern und euer Vertriebsteam zu stärken.

- **Interimistische Projekte**: Ob als Sales Director oder Director Project Management für die DACH-Region, Europa oder international – wir sind flexibel und einsatzbereit.
- **Expertise in Nachhaltigkeit**: Unsere Leidenschaft gilt der grünen Transformation, Elektromobilität, erneuerbaren Energien und den Städten von morgen. 

**Unsere Stärken:**

- Erfolgreiche Implementierung von Sales-Methoden
- Aufbau langfristiger Kundenbeziehungen in nationalen und internationalen Märkten
- Unerschütterliche „Never give up“-MentalitätLasst uns gemeinsam die Welt ein Stück grüner machen. 

Kontaktiert uns und startet durch mit zeroland! 

-> https://meetings-eu1.hubspot.com/guido-west#zeroland



** Attention Startups! Let's Build a Greener Future Together **

Have you developed a groundbreaking solution for the climate crisis or biodiversity preservation? Then join zeroland and become part of our portfolio of selected solution providers!

As the founding team of zeroland, we can look back on over 20 years of sales and project management experience in digital and GreenTech start-ups and would like to support you in building up your business. 

**What We Offer:**
- **Sales Process Setup and Optimization**: We help you expand your sales pipeline and strengthen your sales team.
- **Interim Projects**: Be it as Sales Director or Director Project Management for the DACH region, Europe or internationally - we are flexible and ready for action.
- **Sustainability Expertise**: Our passion is green transformation, electromobility, renewable energies, and the cities of tomorrow. 

**Our Strengths:**
- Successful implementation of sales methods
- Building long-term customer relationships in national and international markets
- Unwavering "Never give up" mentalityLet's make the world a bit greener together. 

Contact us and get started with zeroland! 

-> https://meetings-eu1.hubspot.com/guido-west

Argfnv Aqnmn
teilt etwas mit · vor 11 Monaten

Exclusive Invitation to the PHINEO Startups Collective Impact Summit

On May 7th, it's that time again. The COLLECTIVE IMPACT SUMMIT of PHINEO Startups takes place. The impact startups from their current program will say goodbye with pitches, and new startups will be welcomed to the upcoming program launch. 

Look forward to meeting the impact community and learning more about collective impact. 

This time, PHINEO Startups would also like to introduce their new collective concept to the impact community. In a world full of crises that are all interconnected, we need solutions that are also interconnected. PHINEO Startups brings together different organizations on specific topics and form collectives that use synergy effects and develop joint solutions. The collectives consists of PHINEO’s program participants, alumni, established organizations from their network and other impact startups that they actively source. They are currently establishing the following collectives: Finance, Forests, Water, Energy, Sustainable Cities, AI for Impact, Democracy.

Learn more and get your tickets here:  

https://collectiveimpactsummit.eventbrite.com ;

Be part of the collective impact community by looking at synergies and by moving closer together.  


Themen: Gründung · Impact · Klimaschutz · Startup
Argfnv Aqnmn
teilt etwas mit · vor etwa einem Jahr

🌟 Calling All Impact Innovators! Join PHINEO Startups and Drive Positive Change 🌍

🌟 Calling All Impact Innovators! Join PHINEO Startups and Drive Positive Change 🌍

Are you a forward-thinking entrepreneur ready to take on the world's crises? PHINEO Startups is again calling for applications for their incubator and accelerator program, focusing on startups dedicated to addressing the pressing issues of the Climate Crisis, Democracy Crisis, and Displaced People. Seize this opportunity to be a part of a transformative journey that creates lasting impact on a global scale!

🗓️ Important Dates:

Application Deadline: 10th March 2024

Program Start: 6th May 2024

Duration: 6 Months

Format: Hybrid (Combining In-Person and Virtual)

🚀 Why Choose PHINEO?

✅ Tailored Support: PHINEO offers personalized mentorship, expert guidance, and comprehensive resources designed to supercharge your startup's success

✅ Impact Strategy: As pioneers of impact investing, measurement and management in Germany, we provide you with expert support in developing your impact strategy.

✅ Impactful Network: Connect with a diverse community of passionate entrepreneurs, investors, and experts who share your commitment to driving positive change

✅ Funding Opportunities: Gain access to potential funding sources and investors who are eager to support innovative ventures that make a difference

📢 Ready to Make a Difference? Embrace the opportunity to shape a better future with PHINEO Startups. Discover more about the application process and submit your groundbreaking solution by the 10th March deadline: Apply for Program - Phineo Startups (phineo-startups.org)

Apply for Program - Phineo Startups


Ebznan Fpunvyr · vor etwa einem Jahr

Der Link funktioniert bei mir nicht.

Argfnv Aqnmn · vor etwa einem Jahr

Hallo Romana Schaile, vielen Dank für das Feedback. Ich habe den Link aktualisiert. PHINEO Startups  


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