Beiträge & Ankündigungen
Beiträge und Ankündigungen von Mitgliedern, Impact Startups, Kampagnen und Aktionen auf der Plattform.

Welche Networking-Strategien nutzt ihr?
Ihr Lieben,
der Grund, warum wir uns hier alle auf dieser Plattform tummeln, ist ja der, dass wir unser Netzwerk erweitern wollen - insbesondere um Menschen, die wie wir, einen positiven Unterschied in der Welt machen wollen. (davon gehe ich jedenfalls aus 😉)
Daher habe ich mich gefragt, ob ihr (sei es hier oder generell) schon proaktive Netzwerkstrategien nutzt? Und wenn ja, welche?
Für alle unter euch, die gerne ein paar Tipps und Strategien an die Hand bekommen würden, wie ihr gezielt ein qualitativ hochwertiges berufliches Netzwerk für euch kreiert, kann ich diese Podcast-Folge wärmstens empfehlen:
19.04.2023, Berlin - Networking Event von Smart Genossenschaft und Nadia Says
Does schmoozing make you snooze? Does the saying "Hell is others" refer to small talk with strangers in your book? While some see networking as tedious or nerve-wrecking, we see it as exciting and one of your most important tools as a freelancer or job hunter! So why not join our interactive workshop, share and learn about networking experiences, and try out some practical exercises together with members of the (extended) Smart community.
Together with the session lead, Nadia Says, founder of creative freelancer platform Your Mom's Agency who already successfully tested such workshops in Berlin, Detroit and Beirut, we look forward to seeing you on Wednesday, April 19th at the Smart office in Kreuzberg.
Please bring your phone/tablet/notebook and pen. We open doors at 6PM, start the workshop at 6.30PM, and we'll finish with a Q&A at 8PM along with some drinks and light snacks.
Nadia Says is the founder of the freelancer platform supporting artists, technologists, and creatives in the fields of music and visual arts since 2012. On top of curating events such as club nights, AV festivals, and educational programs in Berlin, Los Angeles, Beirut and more exciting cultural hubs, Says also consults to help creatives build up projects and solidify their marketing strategy both short and long term.
Please register:

Sunday Glow Up Event "Rhythm and Flow" am 3.3. um 14-17:30 Uhr im in Köln 🌟
Der Networking & Dance Nachmittag steht unter der Intention „Fostering Collective Well-being“.
💕 Human Connection: Komm bei Dir selbst an und verbinde Dich mit anderen, inspirierenden Persönlichkeiten.
💃🕺 Emotional Release: Komme in Bewegung und finde Deinen Rhythmus und Flow unter der Leitung der belgischen DJ Heidi van Dyck.
🌟 Impact Networking: Knüpfe neue Kontakte zu anderen Menschen, die an der Entfaltung des humanen Potentials und regenerativer Wirtschaft arbeiten.
🌱 Veganes & Vegetarisches Fingerfood: Während des Netzwerkens servieren wir Dir köstliches Fingerfood von Habibi, dem besten Falafel-Restaurant der Stadt.
Tanke auf! Dich erwarten High Vibe People, eine DJane und Fingerfood. Bring Deine/n Bestie mit und lass uns ein paar magische Stunden verbringen!
Was Du brauchst: Neugier, Lust auf Selbstreflexion, Offenheit für die Perspektiven anderer und ein juckendes Tanzbein :)
Buche Dein Ticket hier:
Ich freu mich auf Dich!

Akasha Academy Herbst-Programm: in München und hybrid
Liebe Reflectas,
seid herzlich eingeladen, das Herbst-Programm der Akasha Academy durchzustöbern. 🤓
🌿 Von "Healing Herbs for Women" über das "Akasha Training" mit TK Rinpoche oder eine hybride Networking Session zum Thema nachhaltige Architektur ist alles dabei.
Für mehr Infos und zur Anmeldung: 💡
🙋 Meldet euch gerne, wenn ihr Fragen dazu habt.
Entdecken Sie die Veranstaltungen der Akasha-Akademie, darunter Workshops zu den Themen Bildung, Woman Empowerment, Nachhaltigkeit und ganzheitliche Ges...

Author Cara de Lange about "Redefining Success"
This event is offered by the Women Lead Community (WLC) and is for women only to create a safe space. The link is leading to the event details on the WLC where you can RSVP:
Please make sure to register on the WLC at least 10 minutes prior to the event!
About the Workshop:
Cara de Lange will come to share her experience & tips to Redefine Your Success & How to step Fully into your Power as a woman while preventing burnout, which she writes about in her book Softer Success. She will also share concrete tools and best practices.
About Cara: My work brings science and the heart together. Author of Softer Success, Prevent Burnout, Find Balance & Redefine Your Success, I’ve spent the last 8 years researching burnout, our complex nervous systems and what brings us joy and have worked with psychologists, scientists and researchers at King’s College London, Sheffield University, Imperial College London, Leuven University and am part of the Human Flourishing Network at Harvard.
I teach you how to alchemise your life & your business with flow & joy. I’m a Business Alchemist, Mentor, Author, Speaker, Heartful leader, Researcher, Consultant, Mother and Nature lover. Cara focuses on Leading from the Heart, Redefine Your Success, Authentic Self Expression, Prosperity & implementing Business Intuition
The event is part of the WLC Learning Offers. The WLC also offers regular peer-coaching and networking formats.
My Work My work brings science and the heart together. Author of Softer Success, Prevent Burnout, Find Balance & Redefine Your Success, I’ve spent the l...

International Social Impact Weekend
Discover the world of social entrepreneurship at our first ever international Social Impact Weekend!
This event is packed with:
*Skill-building workshops
* Inspirational talks from successful socialentrepreneurs
* Networking opportunities
If you’re interested in social entrepreneurship and want to learn more, or already have an idea and want to take it to the next level, this is for you!
Learn more and register before April 12th here:
Eventbrite - Social Impact Award presents International Social Impact Weekend - Friday, April 16, 2021 | Sunday, April 18, 2021 - Find event and registr...

16-18 April | International Social Impact Weekend |
Empfehlung und Einladung von unseren lieben Kooperationspartner*innen Agneta Befurt & Jonas Dinger vom Social Impact Award Germany:
Discover the world of social entrepreneurship at the first ever International Social Impact Weekend (16.-18. April)!
Organized by global social entrepreneurship program Social Impact Award, the event is packed with:
- Skill-building workshops
- Inspirational talks from successful social entrepreneurs
- Networking opportunities with people around the world
The event is for both young people with no prior experience and knowledge about the field, as well as young people with an existing idea for a social venture looking to pursue social entrepreneurship further. Participants also get the opportunity to learn more about the next steps of the SIA program, including our internationally-recognized incubation program and awards.
Learn more and register before April 12th here:
The event is in English, completely accessible online and for free.
Eventbrite - Social Impact Award presents International Social Impact Weekend - Friday, April 16, 2021 | Sunday, April 18, 2021 - Find event and registr...
Angesagte Beiträge:
Entsiegelung in gemeinschaftlichem Wettbewerb
1 1
Zusammen für mehr Impact – ein Match made on Reflecta.Network!
4 1