Beiträge & Ankündigungen
Beiträge und Ankündigungen von Mitgliedern, Impact Startups, Kampagnen und Aktionen auf der Plattform.
Join Our Team at Unity Effect: Facilitation & Project Implementation (d/f/m)
To support our team’s mission of empowering purpose-driven leaders, teams and networks, we are looking for a team member for Facilitation & Project Implementation (d/f/m) to start with us between May and June 2023.
As part of our core team, you will work with us to continuously expand and deepen our workshop portfolio around collaborative leadership and teamwork, (digital) facilitation and regenerative impact. You will lead online and in person workshops and support us in expanding our client base and network of partners.
Application lifeline: 19th March
Wir vergrößern unser Team! Wir suchen ab nächstem Jahr einen Facilitator und Projektkoordinator in Vollzeit und eine studentische Hilfskraft in Teilzeit.
We are hiring!
In order to drive our work at Unity Effect forward strategically and operationally, we are currently looking for two new people to join our team, starting between January and March 2023.
Facilitator and project coordinator - full time
Work with us to expand and deepen our workshop portfolio around collaborative leadership and teamwork, (digital) facilitation and regenerative impact.
(Student) Assistant - mini-job basis, 8-10 hours per week
Supporting in background research and conceptual work, including developing and maintaining a database to consolidate our knowledge and experience.
Are you interested, or know someone else who might be? Feel invited to spread the word!

Citizens’ Assemblies: How can they foster democratic participation?
In this call, we will discuss concrete examples of national Citizens' Assemblies in Switzerland and explore their capacity to enhance democratic participation. Citizens' Assemblies are participatory formats where participants are randomly drawn from the general population, aiming to create an inclusive and representative sample of the population. These assemblies serve as platforms for collectively identifying and developing solutions to complex issues, fostering broader civic engagement and producing socially supported solutions. You will be invited to propose specific topics of interest during the discussions and have the opportunity to learn from our guest's experiences with Citizens' Assemblies.
Jany Barraut and Sarah Friederich, who have been part of the process design and facilitation teams of the Citizens' Assembly on Food Policy and the Future Council U24 on Mental Health, are going to share about their experiences, answer questions and explore topics you might want to discuss further.
The call will be hosted by Diana Oser, collaboratio helvetica's community & partnership coordinator, and our two guests and independent facilitators, Jany Barraut and Sarah Friederich.
Jany Barraut is an experienced facilitator and practitioner well versed in participatory processes and approaches in complex and multicultural environments.
Sarah Friederich is an experienced facilitator specialized in designing and facilitating participatory group processes and dialogue formats.
Who can join the call?
Anyone interested in learning more about the topic and getting to know Collaboratio Helvetica is warmly welcome to join the call, so don't hesitate to invite your friends and whomever you feel would benefit from this call.
When: May, 06, 6:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. CEST
Fee: Free of charge
Language: English
Where: The call will take place online on Zoom. Please register in advance to receive the link, as it will be sent to you by e-mail one day before the call.
If you can't register via the sign-up form for any reason, please send an email to [email protected]
Ein (digitaler und für jede:n erreichbarer) Ort, der psychische Erkrankungen entstigmatisiert und den Weg zum nächsten Hilfsangebot deutlich erleichtert.
Wäre toll?! Genau so etwas plant Shau Chung Shin
Hier könnt ihr mit ihr in den Austausch treten:
Und hier mehr über Happy Souls erfahren:
Aktuell sucht sie nach Mitgründer:innen, Team und Berater:innen
im Bereich Psychiatrie, Psychotherapie, kommunale Beratung, UX,
Programmierung, KI, Text, Finanzen, Marketing und Vertrieb.
Gute Inspiration und fröhliches Netzwerken!
P.S. Du willst auch mehr Aufmerksamkeit für dein Projekt/Angebot? Dann bewirb dich für die Winterkampagne:
Eine sehr wichtiges Thema. Viel Erfolg!

Wir brauchen euer Feedback zum Matching!
Seit zwei Monaten ist das Matching nun online, wir haben mit vielen von euch persönlich gesprochen und haben jetzt noch ein paar Fragen, um ein besseres Gefühl zu bekommen. Und: Wir erhoffen uns, dass ihr uns (anonym) Aspekte beschreibt, die wir noch gar nicht gesehen haben. Warum, wieso...?
Bitte nur teilnehmen, wenn ihr auch am Matching teilgenommen habt. Vielen, vielen Dank euch!
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Die Pilotgruppe für selbstgesteuerte Peer2Peer-Gruppen startet diese Woche
Positive Psychologie für alle verfügbar machen, die es interessiert. Und nicht nur Info rüberschieben, sondern auch Hilfestellung für die Umsetzung leisten. Das ist mein Projekt.
Am Mittwoch startet eine Pilotgruppe. Beim Zusammenstellen der Leitfäden ist dieser Blogartikel entstanden zum Thema: Ziele erreichen mit der Kraft der Intuition.
In meinem bisherigen Berufsleben war, wenn es um Ziele ging, von smarten Zielen die Rede: spezifisch, messbar, realistisch, terminiert. Aber damit kann man Vieles von dem, was uns wichtig ist, gar nicht beschreiben. Es gibt auch eine ganz andere Ebene dabei.
Team Decision-Making- Free Online Workshop on Wednesday, 9 June 2021 from 10:00 to 11:30
How do you currently make decisions in your team? What’s working well and where do you face challenges?
Decision-making is a key leverage point to share responsibility and unlock the capacity for creativity and innovation in a team. Yet it can also be the source of inefficiencies, bottle-necks, conflicts and unhealthy power dynamics.
Join us on Zoom for a free workshop on ‘Team Decision-Making’ on Wednesday, 9 June 2021 from 10:00 to 11:30.
Over 90 minutes we will:
Share methods and processes for empowering decision-making in teams
Introduce the concept of decentralised decision-making and reflect on opportunities and challenges
Reflect on your own team and explore what supports and what gets in the way of good decision-making
Share experiences, tips and learnings
Whether you are a team leader, team member, or simply curious to learn about methods for group decision-making, we invite you to join us for an interactive workshop. We would love to learn from your experiences as well!
Sign up here:
Who are we? We at Unity Effect believe that leading change starts within us. It becomes powerful when we work together in teams. And it becomes systemic when we work in and leverage the power of networks and communities. Unity Effect builds capacities and guides the process of leading change at every step of your journey from purpose to meaningful impact.
Find out more about Unity Effect:
Unity Effect Connect UG
Decision-making is a key leverage point to share responsibility and unlock the capacity for creativity and innovation in a team. Join us on Zoom to lear...
Free Workshop (28.7.) : Leadership is not a title
Leadership is not a title: building trust & influence authentically
Zeit: Wednesday, 28 July 2021 from 10:00 to 11:30
Sprache: English
Workshopleiterin: Emily Johnston from Unity Effect
Many of us don’t feel comfortable thinking of ourselves as a leader. Maybe you’re not in a position of authority. Maybe you are in an official leadership position but you find it challenging to fully step into that role. Or maybe you just don’t identify with the image of the traditional leader.
What if there was a way to lead that was authentic to you, your values, your strengths, your purpose? Where you could create more impact and support and empower others around you?
Join us on Zoom to explore the topic of authentic leadership. Over 90 minutes we will:
Explore the idea that ‘who you are is how you lead’ and share two frameworks to understand your sphere of influence and to build trust, a core capacity for empowering yourself and others
Reflect on your own leadership style
Connect with others from around the world who are exploring similar questions and share experiences, tips and learnings
This workshop is for anyone who is curious to grow as a leader, even if you don’t like to label yourself as one.
You can sign up here for free:
Angesagte Beiträge:
Entsiegelung in gemeinschaftlichem Wettbewerb
1 1
Zusammen für mehr Impact – ein Match made on Reflecta.Network!
4 1