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Ela von Tycowicz
Systemisches Coaching, Kommunikations- und Webdesign @tycogra...

Gudrun Neuper
Geschäftsführende Gesellschafterin @kontor FREiRAUM, Founder @neuper WERTSCHÄTZ...

Philipp Hauschke
Gründer @Utopia Community, Manager @Utopia Community

Dr. Kalle Bendias
Mit-Initiator, Fair Share - echte Teilhabe an kollektiver Wertschö...

Ines Schwarz
Senior Consultant | Creating Customer Excellence @C!Ex

Eliana Garron
Founder TINKU - Celebrating Bolivian Heritage

Corinna Isenbarth
Interim Management - Projektmanagement @Selbständig

Dr. Andrea Catalina Fajardo
Climate Adaptation Research and Project Associate @Carbono Local+

Marco Maiworm
CEO @Insight Impact, CEO and Founder @EarthMates

Günter Schmittberger
Fundraiser for startups and venture funds @Schmittberger Cooperationsmanagement,...

Samira Charkaoui
Managing Director/ Gründerin

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