Beiträge & Ankündigungen

Beiträge und Ankündigungen von Mitgliedern, Impact Startups, Kampagnen und Aktionen auf der Plattform.

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Xneyn Xäfgare
teilt etwas mit · vor fast 3 Jahren

Freiwilligendienste in DE für junge Geflüchtete aus dem EU Ausland

Arbeitest Du mit jungen (18-30) Menschen mit Fluchterfahrung und möchtest Ihnen gerne die Teilnahme an einem Freiwilligendienst ermöglichen? Kennst du Organisationen oder Personen im EU Ausland, die selbt Interesse an einer Freiwilligendienstvermittlung haben könnten?

Wir setzen uns dafür ein, dass alle jungen Menschen in Europa, unabhängig ihres rechtlichen und sozialen Status, Zugang zu Jugendmobilität im europäischen Raum haben, wie z.B. einem Freiwilligendienst.

Wir würden uns freuen, wenn ihr folgendes Angebot für junge Menschen mit Fluchterfahrung, die im EU Ausland leben (alles außer DE) teilen könntet.

CALL FOR APPLICATION: Voluntary Service in Germany for young people with refugee background

This opportunity is for all that answer yes to the following:

  • Do you live in the European Union?
  • Are you 18-30 years old?
  • Do you have a refugee background?
  • Have you always wanted to legally move to Germany to gain new experience?

Come to Germany for a long term voluntary service to gain experience and new skills. Volunteering is offering yourself, your time and your skills to a cause and people. In return, you gain experience and new skills. It also allows you to connect to your community and make it a better place.

For more information and application:

Voluntary Service Germany -

Pyrzraf Ovaqre
teilt etwas mit · vor fast 3 Jahren

Free workshop: From inspiration to impact

Hello dear social innovators!

We from Unity Effect have our next free workshop coming up and it's all about connecting your inspiration and passion to create systemic impact! Wanna re-connect to your drive and meet other innovators? Join us on September 16th 10:00 - 11:30 CEST for a free workshop!

It’s also a chance for you to learn about our 10 week online program, the Changemaker Journey, where we cover topics including systems thinking, resilience, courage and navigating complexity and uncertainty. The next Journeys are coming up in November (German) and January (English).

Register here for free:

Unity Effect - Sozialunternehmen @

Unity Effect ist ein Sozialunternehmen aus Bonn. Wir sind davon überzeugt, dass es unsere innere Haltung & unsere Fähigkeiten sind, die äußeren Wand...

Rzvyl Wbuafgba
teilt etwas mit · vor etwa 2 Jahren

Free Online Workshop: Leadership Essentials - Setting Boundaries and Saying No

Hey everyone! I invite you to join me on June 14th, 16:00 - 17:30 for a Free Online Workshop: Leadership Essentials - Setting Boundaries and Saying No.  

You know that feeling when you say yes to a request or opportunity when you really wanted to say no?

It doesn't feel great - and often leads to resentment and overcommitment. If you struggle with this, you are definitely not alone! Imagine how much simpler it would be if we were honest about what is and isn’t ok for us in different situations and communicated that clearly. And if others were clear with us too. Liberating, right? That’s what setting boundaries is all about. 

Setting and communicating healthy boundaries is crucial for effective and empowering collaboration and leadership. Boundaries support us to have respectful working relationships where we are clear about what others can expect from us, and to be aligned and intentional in our choices and commitments, for ourselves and our teams. 

Register here to receive the Zoom link:

Wnaal Xynohua · vor etwa 2 Jahren

Dear Emily, it is such an interesting topic and I would love to register for a next posibility. This time I can't make it. Wish you lots of good conversations.

Schmittberger Cooperationsmanagement COMAN
teilt etwas mit · vor fast 2 Jahren

Investment Readiness Check - now Step 1 for free

Check your investment readiness & automatically create a deal report

As a fundraiser I use a couple of professional tools to choose the right startups that I can support. One is D-Risk It ( . 

Please answer all the questions of the following questionnaire in as much detail as possible .

->  Carefully choose the right start in DesignDevelopment or Revenue phase.   

For nearly every data field you can find help texts. Read these texts carefully and answer as open and precise as possible. You will see that it is helpful for you in any case.

As Step 2 we can go through your answers in an online meeting and discuss how to improve your investment readiness. You can find details in the market place.

Rzvyl Wbuafgba
teilt etwas mit · vor fast 2 Jahren

Free Online Workshop: Regenerative Impact Evaluation

Free Workshop - 22nd September, 16:30-18:00 CEST
We usually look at evaluation as a means to measure the effectiveness of our actions, our progress towards our goals. Yet what if the process of evaluation not only measured change, but really shaped change, and enabled us to identify resources and practices that support us and our work in a meaningful way?

When applied in a regenerative manner, evaluation can foster the health of the overall system, including accelerating learning and the flow of information, clarifying next steps, deepening relationships, and bringing energy to ourselves and others, rather than creating pressure.

Over the past years, we’ve been researching, testing and exploring how impact evaluation can be done differently. And we are excited to invite you into that exploration. 

Join us on Zoom for a free workshop on “Regenerative Impact Evaluation”. Over 90 minutes we will:

  • Dive into background knowledge and concepts for a new way of applying impact evaluation. 

  • Get to know and apply tools and methods, e.g. for measuring capacity development or working with stories in a strategic way. 

  • Share and learn from each other's experiences, and enter a dialogue around impact evaluation as a regenerative practice. 

This workshop is designed in an experiential and interactive way which does not require any prior working experience in impact evaluation. It’s enough if you are curious about it - or want to reduce your anxiety regarding measurements, methodologies and metrics :)  

This workshop will be facilitated by Unity Effect's co-founder Jannik Kaiser.

We look forward to exploring, reflecting and learning together with you!

To register, click here:

Free Online Workshop: Regenerative Impact Evaluation

Join us to explore a regenerative approach to impact evaluation which fosters the health of the overall system, accelerates learning and the flow of inf...

Themen: Impact · Soziale Wirkung
Rzvyl Wbuafgba
teilt etwas mit · vor fast 2 Jahren

Dealing With Stress - Free Online Workshop

Wednesday 19th October, 10:00-11:30AM CEST
Register for free here:

You know the feeling when everything is just a bit too much?

Everyone wants something from you. Your colleagues, family and friends all have their own expectations of you, and on top of that, you have your own expectations of yourself. Chances are you’re feeling overwhelmed and stress has become a normal part of life. But that doesn’t mean it has to take over our nervous system.

While we don’t have the magic solution to make all your stress go away, we can help you better understand what stress actually is, so that you can deal with it more effectively.

Join us on Zoom for a free workshop on Dealing with Stress. Over 90 minutes we will:

  • Share about the physiology behind stress cycles and learn strategies to deal with stress in a healthier way

  • Identify your own stressors and warning signs, and explore tools to end your stress cycle

  • Practice setting realistic goals and and defining our own criteria for success

This workshop will be facilitated by Unity Effect’s co-founder, Franziska Kohn.

We look forward to exploring, reflecting and learning together with you!

Register for free here:

Free Online Workshop: Dealing With Stress

Join us to explore what stress actually is and how stress cycles work, and identify what your own warning signs and stressors are, so that you can deal ...

Zryvan Urvamr
teilt etwas mit · vor mehr als einem Jahr

The oikos-winterschool starts again!

In the past few months, I worked with an amazing team of international Bachelor and Master students of Universität Witten/Herdecke and oikos Witten/Herdecke e.V. to create a super engaging and empowering program for people who would like to go from the talking to the making.

It is open for students of all programs and people, who want to feel some uni-vibes ;-)

I can assure you it will be moving and ... agency creating 💪 😊

➡ Find more infos here:


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