Beiträge & Ankündigungen

Beiträge und Ankündigungen von Mitgliedern, Impact Startups, Kampagnen und Aktionen auf der Plattform.

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Fnaqen Obuanxre
teilt etwas mit · vor einem Tag


Hi zusammen,

Urse und ich sind Freundinnen und Aussteigerinnen aus dem 'vermeintlich normalen' Arbeitsumfeld. Wir beide waren über viele Jahre in führende Positionen in der Pharma, -bzw. Energie- & IT-Branche tätig. Bei einem Wiedersehen war die Quintessenz, dass es immer die Menschen sind, die das Leben ausmachen. Darum haben wir zum Netzwerken eine Ayurveda KÜCHENPARTY in Ulm ins Leben gerufen. Denn Ayurveda geht auch regional & saisonal. Aus einem ersten Abend sind zwischenzeitlich viele tolle Abende geworden. Jedes mal freuen wir uns über die tollen Menschen und über das, was an einem schönen Abend entsteht: Neue Freundschaften, sehr persönliche Gespräche, Wissenstransfer &-austausch, neue Ideen & Inspirationen. Und das leckere Essen ist ein kleines Highlight… Kommenden Mittwoch und Freitag haben wir noch ein paar Plätze frei.

Vielleicht hast Du ja Lust und Zeit? Alle Infos im Anhang!

Wir freuen uns auf neue Persönlichkeiten und auf die Abende!

Urse & Sandra


Senamvfxn Xbua
teilt etwas mit · vor 6 Monaten

Warm invitation to our next Free Online Workshop: Setting Boundaries & Saying No

The workshop takes place on Wednesday, 17 Jan. 2024 from 16:00 to 17:30.
For application follow this link:

New Year, new me?

Many of us start the new year with resolutions and motivation to do things differently. Yet to make a change, it’s often less about beginning and adding new things, and much more about stopping something “old” that no longer serves us.

That’s why we will start the year looking at boundaries and at saying no. You know that feeling when you say yes to a request or opportunity when you really wanted to say no? It doesn't feel great – and often leads to resentment and overcommitment. If you struggle with this, you are definitely not alone! Imagine how much simpler it would be if we were honest about what is and isn’t ok for us in different situations and communicated that clearly. And if others were clear with us too. Liberating, right? That’s what setting boundaries is all about.

Setting and communicating healthy boundaries is crucial for effective and empowering collaboration and leadership. Boundaries support us in having respectful working relationships, where we are clear about what others can expect from us, and in being aligned and intentional in our choices and commitments, both for ourselves and for our teams.

Join us on Zoom for a free workshop on ‘Setting Boundaries and Saying No’. Over 90 minutes we will learn and explore:

  • What boundaries are, why they are important and why it’s so hard to set them

  • Boundary-setting as a leadership skill, on an individual, team and organisational level

  • Strategies for saying no and building respectful relationships at the same time

  • What boundaries mean to you and what your own boundaries look like

This workshop is for you if you are a leader or team member who wants to build their communication and boundary-setting capacities or simply curious about the topic. ​​​​​​​

It’s also a chance to learn about our 12 week program, the Leadership Journey, where we dive into various aspects of c​​​​​​​lear communication and authentic and empowering leadership.

This workshop will be facilitated by Johannes Hochholzer.

We look forward to seeing you soon!

The Unity Effect Team

Please note: The workshop times are in Central European Time (UTC +1). We do not record our workshops, but you will receive workshop materials afterwards.

Free Online Workshop: Setting Boundaries & Saying No

Join us to explore what boundaries are, why they are important for leaders and learn strategies to set them on an individual, team and organisational le...

Rzvyl Wbuafgba
teilt etwas mit · vor etwa 2 Jahren

Free Online Workshop: Giving & Receiving Empowering Feedback (July 13th, 16:00-17:30 CEST)

Hello everyone! I would love to invite you to join our next free workshop on Giving and Receiving Empowering Feedback. We chose this topic because it keeps showing up lately - in our work with organisations and in our own team. Perhaps it's showing up for you too :) You can register here:

What comes to mind when you hear the word feedback? Cold chills thinking of hearing hard things about your performance? Awkwardness of sharing negative feedback with a colleague? A yearly routine to be endured? Or frustration at not having a feedback culture where you can voice your concerns? 

What if instead, we embraced feedback as a key tool to empower ourselves and our teams?

Giving feedback - and receiving feedback - is a crucial skill for leaders and teams. It helps us keep our team cultures thriving and our working relationships healthy and productive. It enables us to grow and develop ourselves, and to support others and our teams to grow into their potential.

Join us on Zoom for a free workshop on ‘Giving and Receiving Empowering Feedback’. Over 90 minutes we will explore:

  • Speaking to reach each other, listening to understand: communication tools for delivering and receiving feedback

  • Methods for feedback one-on-one or in a team

  • Setting ourselves up for success: conditions for effective feedback

  • Share your experiences and tips for feedback and hear from others from around the world

This workshop is for you if you are a leader or team member who wants to build your communication capacities and contribute to a healthy feedback culture in your team. 

Free Online Workshop: Giving & Receiving Empowering Feedback

Join us to explore methods, tools and tips for giving and receiving empowering feedback one on one and in a team.

Rzvyl Wbuafgba
teilt etwas mit · vor mehr als einem Jahr

Free Online Workshop: Dealing with difficult situations and conflict

Join us for a free workshop next Thursday 30th March, 16:00-17:30 CEST
Sign up here to receive the zoom link: 

You know that messy mix of thoughts and emotions that can occur when you have to deal with a difficult situation or conflict? You replay everything in your head, discuss it with others, chew it up, put it aside, pick it up again.... the knot just won't come loose. There are so many different aspects, voices and perspectives that you encounter: in short, your own plurality. 

Join us on Zoom for a free workshop on Dealing with difficult situations and conflict: a tool to explore your inner dialogue. Over 90 minutes we will:

  • Introduce and experience a hands-on method to explore a difficult situation or conflict you are currently facing

  • Connect with others in small groups and learn from one another’s experiences

  • Share further methods and tips for approaching conflicts and challenges with more awareness

  Sign up here to receive the zoom link:   

Qnavry Uverf
teilt etwas mit · vor 10 Monaten

IDG Gathering w/Dan Siegel: The Wheel of Awareness

Auf Englisch, da die Veranstaltug auch auf Englisch ist:

How does the mind really work?

We are often led to think about the mind as a computer - with RAM, hard drive, etc. However, diving into the neuroscience, this is not necessarily accurate nor a useful model, and very much rooted in a mechanical understanding of life's systems.

There's another way to think about it, which particularly incorporates how our mind experiences consciousness - and this model is called "The Wheel of Awareness" - see the diagram in the picture.

It has been developed by Dr. Dan Siegel, one of the world's most eminent neuropsychiatrists and has helped thousands of people around the world enhance their focus, presence and peace - for a more resilient, vital life.

Next week on Thursday (Sept 14), we will be hosting an IDG Gathering with Dan Siegel himself, who will give a practical introduction.

Register here:

#innerdevelopment #IDG #consciousness #mindset #systemsthinking

P.S. We're offering a free discount code for sharing this post with your network (see comments), limited to 100 uses. It's on a radical trust basis, so I hope if you redeem the code, you will also share it. 🙏

Inner Development Goals Gathering, Sep 14, 2023

IDGs Gathering with Dr Dani...

Ivetvavn Ebofba
teilt etwas mit · vor 6 Monaten


“All grown-ups were once children... but only a few of them remember it” (The Little Prince, Antoine de Saint-Exupéry). As part of our society, we have become accustomed to going along with things, becoming what our boss wants, our partner wants, and our friend wants. But is it also what we want, who we truly are? Being permanently disconnected from ourselves makes it impossible for us to connect with others authentically and deeply. We might pretend that we listen to the other person, that we understand them, and that we care about what happens to them. Deep down, however, we often do not.

In this Community Call, we will explore some tools to reconnect with your true self through play. We will be using the joy of discovering things for the first time as you did as a child: the first time you saw a star, the first time you tasted a lemon, the first time you touched the snow. Together, we will explore those first times and try to stay in them as long as possible. From there, we will explore how to (re)connect more authentically and deeply with others. Providing a welcoming space similar to a kindergarten for grown-ups, we invite you to join, be vulnerable, and explore the potential of playful authenticity, and how to connect these insights to our current areas of work.

What do bring: Participants are kindly invited to bring an object, a memory, a song, a picture, or whatever they like that puts them in a good mood.

The call will be hosted by Matthias Ryffel, responsible for Design and Facilitaion at collaboratio helvetica, together with Catalyst and founder of Cultural Inquiry, Jose Antonio Gordillo Martorell. Jose refers to himself as an everlasting child, and his work is a constant invitation to feel the joy of playfulness, curiosity, and discovery. He thinks, creates, works, feels, and lives by playing and getting others to play. He loves to "get off his feet" to dive into the depths and explore. He loves Aikido and salsa dancing. What he does best is prepare delicious Spanish potato omelettes to eat with his friends on a Saturday afternoon. He loves and celebrates life every single day.

Who can join the call?
Everyone interested in learning more about the topic and getting to know collaboratio helvetica is warmly welcome to join the call, so don’t hesitate to invite your friends and whomever you feel would benefit from this call.

When: 05 February 2024, 19:00–20.30 CEST

Fee: Free of charge

Language: English

Where: The call will take place online on Zoom. Please register in advance to receive the link, as it will be sent to you by e-mail one day before the call.

Pyrzraf Ovaqre
teilt etwas mit · vor etwa 3 Jahren

Team Decision-Making- Free Online Workshop on Wednesday, 9 June 2021 from 10:00 to 11:30

How do you currently make decisions in your team? What’s working well and where do you face challenges?

Decision-making is a key leverage point to share responsibility and unlock the capacity for creativity and innovation in a team. Yet it can also be the source of inefficiencies, bottle-necks, conflicts and unhealthy power dynamics. 

Join us on Zoom for a free workshop on ‘Team Decision-Making’ on Wednesday, 9 June 2021 from 10:00 to 11:30.

Over 90 minutes we will: 

  • Share methods and processes for empowering decision-making in teams

  • Introduce the concept of decentralised decision-making and reflect on opportunities and challenges 

  • Reflect on your own team and explore what supports and what gets in the way of good decision-making

  • Share experiences, tips and learnings  

Whether you are a team leader, team member, or simply curious to learn about methods for group decision-making, we invite you to join us for an interactive workshop. We would love to learn from your experiences as well!

Sign up here:

Who are we? We at Unity Effect believe that leading change starts within us. It becomes powerful when we work together in teams. And it becomes systemic when we work in and leverage the power of networks and communities. Unity Effect builds capacities and guides the process of leading change at every step of your journey from purpose to meaningful impact.

Find out more about Unity Effect:
Unity Effect Connect UG 

Free Online Workshop: Team Decision-Making

Decision-making is a key leverage point to share responsibility and unlock the capacity for creativity and innovation in a team. Join us on Zoom to lear...

Rin Süefg
teilt etwas mit · vor etwa 3 Jahren

Call for Papers: The Realm of Possibility - A Gender and Queer Studies Symposium

Hallo ihr Lieben! Gerne teile ich hier den Call for Papers für das englischsprachige Symposium, das ich seit letztem Jahr organisiere, moderiere und durchführe. Ich freue mich auf euch!

The Realm of Possibility (RoP) is an interdisciplinary, international symposium addressing issues and phenomena connected to Gender and Queer Studies. After a successful launch in 2020 with a wonderfully diverse panel of speakers, the 2021 symposium will concentrate on the topic of masculinity.  While contributions from sociology, psychology, etc. are welcome, the symposium’s focus is on cultural and artistic expressions of selfhood and zeitgeist that can be read through the lens of Gender and Queer Studies.

We will explore phenomena of masculinity throughout time and in different cultures, with some guiding questions as follows: What is masculinity? How is it taught? Is it something inherently present in cis-male bodies or is it purely performative? What does masculinity look like in the queer community? What makes toxic masculinity toxic? Is there such a thing as transmasculinity? What is the relationship between patriarchal structures and masculinity?

We invite students of all levels, teachers, PhD students, postdocs, professors, and alumni to send in proposals for academic papers of 15-20 minutes.

If you are interested in presenting a paper, please send an abstract of no more than 300 words and a short biographical note (of 3-5 lines, including your pronouns and your current field of studies) by 15 September 2021 to the following email address: [email protected].

Rzvyl Wbuafgba
teilt etwas mit · vor mehr als 2 Jahren

Free Online Workshop: Building Trust & Psychological Safety in Teams

February 9th, 10:00 - 11:30 CET.

Trust: the magic ingredient for empowered, collaborative and innovative teams. In fact, in a two year study on team performance at Google, researchers found that the most important factor which set successful teams apart was psychological safety: the belief that it’s safe to take risks, make mistakes and be vulnerable with peers. Right now, with so much uncertainty and change around us, increasing the trust and psychological safety in your team is more important, and can be more challenging, than ever.

Join us on Zoom for a free workshop on ‘Building Trust and Psychological Safety in Teams’. Over 90 minutes we will: 

  • Introduce the concept of psychological safety and trust, why it’s crucial for effective teamwork and what happens to our brains when we don’t feel safe

  • Share important factors and practices for increasing the level of trust and psychological safety in your team

  • Reflect on your own team and explore what conditions and practices support and get in the way of trust and psychological safety

  • Share experiences, tips and learnings  

Whether you are a leader, team member, or simply curious to learn about the importance of building team cultures based on trust and psychological safety, we invite you to join us for an interactive workshop. Already have a high level of trust in your team? That’s great, we’d love to learn from your experiences as well! 

It’s also a chance for you to learn about our 12 week online program, the Leadership Journey, where we cover topics including creating collaborative, innovative and empowering team environments.

We look forward to exploring, reflecting and learning together with you!

Emily Johnston and The Unity Effect Team

Register here to receive the Zoom link.

Lbynaqn i. Mvgmrjvgm
teilt etwas mit · vor fast 2 Jahren

Call for Support: ReDo nominiert für Social Impact Award! Please Vote <3

Hey everyone, it’s been a while! 🚀  This is a call for support!
ReDo has been nominated for Germany’s Social Impact Award! Now, we need you to help us gain votes! ← watch our video and vote here! 💚

Our mission is to ReDo existing products together in a sustainable way because it’s time to take action!
You can vote from 13.09 to 02.10. and we need every vote! 🏁
Voting is easy: Look for ReDo on the page, click the red button 'hinzufügen', and vote for us!
It takes 2 minutes and is a huge help for us!

Thank you, love and hugs xxx

Avpbyr Jbys
teilt etwas mit · vor 3 Monaten

Kostenlose Veranstaltung für Frauen in der IT

Die Veranstaltungsreihe "Women in MINT" bietet eine Plattform zum Austausch mit berufstätigen FLINTA* in der IT und Gelegenheit, voneinander zu lernen.

Die diesjährige Veranstaltung (24. + 25.04.2024) unterstütze ich mit einem Gastvortrag zum Thema 'Digitalisierung und Nachhaltigkeit'.

Alle Infos zum Programm und kostenfreie Anmeldung zur zweitägigen Online-Konferenz unter


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