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Free Online Workshop: Regenerative Impact Evaluation
Free Workshop - 22nd September, 16:30-18:00 CEST
We usually look at evaluation as a means to measure the effectiveness of our actions, our progress towards our goals. Yet what if the process of evaluation not only measured change, but really shaped change, and enabled us to identify resources and practices that support us and our work in a meaningful way?
When applied in a regenerative manner, evaluation can foster the health of the overall system, including accelerating learning and the flow of information, clarifying next steps, deepening relationships, and bringing energy to ourselves and others, rather than creating pressure.
Over the past years, we’ve been researching, testing and exploring how impact evaluation can be done differently. And we are excited to invite you into that exploration.
Join us on Zoom for a free workshop on “Regenerative Impact Evaluation”. Over 90 minutes we will:
Dive into background knowledge and concepts for a new way of applying impact evaluation.
Get to know and apply tools and methods, e.g. for measuring capacity development or working with stories in a strategic way.
Share and learn from each other's experiences, and enter a dialogue around impact evaluation as a regenerative practice.
This workshop is designed in an experiential and interactive way which does not require any prior working experience in impact evaluation. It’s enough if you are curious about it - or want to reduce your anxiety regarding measurements, methodologies and metrics :)
This workshop will be facilitated by Unity Effect's co-founder Jannik Kaiser.
We look forward to exploring, reflecting and learning together with you!
To register, click here:
Join us to explore a regenerative approach to impact evaluation which fosters the health of the overall system, accelerates learning and the flow of inf...
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Wir sind gespannt, wie ihr es findet und freuen uns, wie immer über euer Feedback! Am besten hierüber:
Herzliche Grüße,
Daniela und das ganze Team.
Sieht toll aus, sehr ansprechend! Habt einen super Job gemacht!
danke ☺️
Sieht super aus und lässt sich einfach bedienen. 👍
Könnt ihr in das Dashboard noch die Funktion implementieren das sich das ganze mittels klicken zu und klappen lässt damit auf den Seiten mehr Raum vorhanden ist?
Hallo Mathias Warzecha , du solltest links unten im Menü ein "Einklappen" "Ausklappen" sehen um das Menü zu verstecken. Es merkt sich deine Einstellung. Meintest du das? LG, Simon
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