Women Only Tool Insight: The Personality Canvas
Our next Women Lead Community Workshop coming up on 15 February, 4pm:
How can I contribute meaningfully to this world while having a good life and pursuing a career? How can I grow my skills and stretch my mindset to reach my goals? And what if there are hurdles on the way?
Get to know the Personality Canvas
- as multitool for your personal and professional Self Leadership and Organization
- and for your work with clients and employees as a Coach or Leader.
Learn how to set intentions in connection with your heart and how to clear the way for your next steps.
Gabriela Buchfink will present her Personality Canvas in our next complimentary Women Lead Community Workshop. The workshop is in English but we are happy to translate your questions and answers for others.
Make sure to sign up by the morning of February 15th: https://women-lead-community.mn.co/posts/49536442?utm_source=manual
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