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Winter school "Digital technologies in education and entrepreneurship" application form (14.11.-12.12.2020) for participants from Germany and Belarus

Winter school "Digital technologies in education and entrepreneurship" application form (14.11.-12.12.2020) for participants from Germany and Belarus

About the project:

Do you have an idea for a social* initiative, project, business, or educational project? Would you like to learn about trends and organizational forms that evolved in the era of digitalization? Would you like to gain knowledge and skills and network with other social projects from Belarus and Germany? Are you looking for some selected, trusted, and preferably free tools for your mission in the middle of unlimited digital communication?

Experienced social entrepreneurs, NGO workers, and digital teachers from Belarus, Germany, and the UK can help you on your way! Learn about new communication techniques and knowledge sharing in your team or external communication with your target group or clients, existing and potential supporters, public or international partners. Learn to use these tools mindfully.

Use them for the benefit of your project and get some constructive feedback from peers and experts. 


Feel free to fulfill the form in English, German, Belarusian or Russian. For participation, you need at least English B2.

More information in German here https://adukacyja.info/virtuelle-winterschule-digitale-medienformate-in-bildung-und-unternehmertum/

More information in Belarusian here http://bit.ly/digital4social

Winter school "Digital technologies in education and entrepren...


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