Warm invitation to: Resilient and regenerative teamwork - A free online workshop for decision-makers in organisations
Wednesday, 29 Nov. 2023 from 11:00 to 12:00
This workshop is specially crafted to empower decision-makers at all levels to support and guide their organisations on their path towards becoming more resilient and thriving places to be and work in.
As a project, team or department lead, executive, HR manager or thought leader, your role is essential in shaping the future of your organisation. We invite you to join a free introductory workshop where we provide hands-on experience of our work and outline ways to collaborate with us on topics around team and leadership development, organisational learning, and regenerative measurement and evaluation.
The workshop includes:
a short introduction to Unity Effect’s work,
a thematic deep dive into a topic chosen by the group,
a brief free assessment for your team or organisation, and
the chance to ask questions and connect with us.
In our work, we support purpose- and vision-driven organisations such as foundations, development agencies, social enterprises and impact networks. To create the change we wish to see in this world, we know that resilient and regenerative teamwork and creating a collaborative organisational culture are top concerns for leaders like you.
For more information and to apply click here:
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