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Warm invitation to our next Free Online Workshop: Setting Boundaries & Saying No

The workshop takes place on Wednesday, 17 Jan. 2024 from 16:00 to 17:30.
For application follow this link:

New Year, new me?

Many of us start the new year with resolutions and motivation to do things differently. Yet to make a change, it’s often less about beginning and adding new things, and much more about stopping something “old” that no longer serves us.

That’s why we will start the year looking at boundaries and at saying no. You know that feeling when you say yes to a request or opportunity when you really wanted to say no? It doesn't feel great – and often leads to resentment and overcommitment. If you struggle with this, you are definitely not alone! Imagine how much simpler it would be if we were honest about what is and isn’t ok for us in different situations and communicated that clearly. And if others were clear with us too. Liberating, right? That’s what setting boundaries is all about.

Setting and communicating healthy boundaries is crucial for effective and empowering collaboration and leadership. Boundaries support us in having respectful working relationships, where we are clear about what others can expect from us, and in being aligned and intentional in our choices and commitments, both for ourselves and for our teams.

Join us on Zoom for a free workshop on ‘Setting Boundaries and Saying No’. Over 90 minutes we will learn and explore:

  • What boundaries are, why they are important and why it’s so hard to set them

  • Boundary-setting as a leadership skill, on an individual, team and organisational level

  • Strategies for saying no and building respectful relationships at the same time

  • What boundaries mean to you and what your own boundaries look like

This workshop is for you if you are a leader or team member who wants to build their communication and boundary-setting capacities or simply curious about the topic. ​​​​​​​

It’s also a chance to learn about our 12 week program, the Leadership Journey, where we dive into various aspects of c​​​​​​​lear communication and authentic and empowering leadership.

This workshop will be facilitated by Johannes Hochholzer.

We look forward to seeing you soon!

The Unity Effect Team

Please note: The workshop times are in Central European Time (UTC +1). We do not record our workshops, but you will receive workshop materials afterwards.

Free Online Workshop: Setting Boundaries & Saying No

Join us to explore what boundaries are, why they are important for leaders and learn strategies to set them on an individual, team and organisational le...

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