The Art and Practice of Questions that matter - A guided deep dive into the unknown
How may I grow my practice in the art of crafting, sharpening and offering questions that may serve the communities I care about?
Questions are powerful tools and crafting and offering them is an art and a practice. They hold a power in the way they playfully invite us to take the courageous step into the unknown to explore what matters. A territory where our individual and collective potential can unfold, and the magic of learning happens.
How may asking kinder questions for clarity, be a practice of peace?
How do I / we co create the conditions to offer questions that matter to a group with respect, focus and attention?
What is a question that you long to ask yourself and your community ?
Hosted by Toke Paludan Moeller : – and organised and co hosted by Jasmin Sepahzad and Pauline Wenzel– we will venture together into the practise of the art of crafting and offering meaningful questions, which are sensitive to different contexts and relevant to an array of methodologies e.g. World Café, Open Space Technology etc.
Over these 2 weekend days in January 2024, we will work with generic and our own questions, that call ourselves and our communities into presence, exploration, conversation and wiser action.
Finally we will also invite you to gain clarity on a question that is important for you in your life and work through playing the Flow Game:
The event will be held in English Language. Lunch will be served on both pratice days. Anyone can join the event, no prerequisites needed.
Come and join us for a joint deep-dive into the art and practise of meaningful questions.
Get your ticket here!
More Infos on the Event-Page:
Or on Linked-In:
Click here to find the recording of our Info Call (from November 16th):
For any further questions write to us: [email protected]
With curiosity and respect, Toke, Pauline and Jasmin
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