TechSkills 4 Impact Webinar series from Social Impact Award Austria & Microsoft
Let’s think big… and digital! - Technology and digitalization are driving factors for a sustainable future, so building tech skills should be an essential goal for all social entrepreneurs. 💡🤔
Curious about how to improve your startup? In the "Tech Skills for Impact" webinar series from Social Impact Award Austria in cooperation with Microsoft, you can learn more about cloud computing, digital sustainability or data security and how you can use these to develop new impact and business models and sustainable digital solutions. 🖥️ ⏰
Use the opportunity to connect with other social entrepreneurs and build your tech skills!
The online workshops are free and you can join from anywhere! 🔜 💻
Workshops in detail:
- 22. March: How to start your social startup’s digitalization journey with Microsoft? → ;
1. April: How to manage your social startup’s data securely?
→ ;
25. April: How to be digitally sustainable with your social startup?
#SocEnt #socinn #SIA2022 #socialentrepreneurship #impact #youcanshapethefuture change #entrepreneurship #skilling #techskills #techforimpact #microsoft #global social entrepreneurship
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