Startup Sprint Programm von BRYCK - Anmeldeschluss 3. Juli 2022!
BRYCK - Wer im nächsten Sprint dabei sein will kann sich hier anmelden, weitere Infos erhalten und auch mit uns im Rahmen des 10-wöchigen Programms zusammenarbeiten! Anmeldeschluss: 3. Juli 2022!
BRYCK is the new innovation hub & future factory in Essen, Ruhr area.
Initiated by RAG-Stiftung with administrative assets of € 21 billion, BRYCK empowers innovators and entrepreneurs to successfully realize their ideas, solutions, and ventures.
With their current Startup Sprint program with the topic „Livable Cities“, they are looking for teams who aim to make Urban Living more sustainable with innovative solutions for energy, transportation of goods and people, housing, education, security or zero waste
If you have
validated your product and are now looking for access to industry and
investors, check out the BRYCK 10-week sprint program from August 11th -
October 21st: ;
Applications are open until July 3rd.
What you’ll get:
▪️ 10 weeks of intensive, individual program.
▪️ 1 year free membership.
▪️ 1 industry expert & 1 BRYCK mentor.
▪️ 100% tailormade schedule.
▪️ 150.000 € seed invest opportunity.
P.S. The program is remote with 3 on-site bootcamps (1.5-2 days) in Essen and in English - international teams are welcome!
During intensive 10-week sprints we support early and growth stage startups in achieving their individual goals – with customized support by our mentors...
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