Sign up to the online course: Building Effectiveness, Resilience and Conflict Resolution Skills
Are you interested in find a dynamic balance between effectiveness and resilience for yourself and your team? Do you find it difficult to deal with tensions and conflicts in your work environment?
We see this a lot in the work we do with our clients at Purpose+Motion... This is why Pablo has put together a short and impactful online course for you to benefit from our experience.
🎯 What will you take out?
In this course consisting of 3 online workshops and a 45-minute one-on-one mentorship online call, you will receive proven methods to increase (team and personal) effectiveness and resilience which will have a positive impact in the way you work together, take care of what is important, and will guide the way your team / organizations deal with tensions and resolve conflicts.
These online workshops are for you if:
🔶 You manage teams and want to improve the way you lead, coordinate actions, and mediate in conflicts.
🔶 You want to become more effective at coordinating actions, negotiations and articulating agreements
🔶 You want to learn how to take better care of yourself and your relationships in your work context.
🔶 You want to improve the skills you have to mediate and solve conflicts.
🔶 You want to learn from other examples/ companies how to become more effective and resilient.
👉 The first workshop takes place on 23 July. Learn more + sign up (early bird price until 10 July):
🤔 Interested but still have some questions and want to learn a bit more? Join the FREE Q&A session on 10 July (12.00-12.45 CEST):
Eventbrite - Purpose+Motion presents Building Effectiveness, Resilience and Conflict Resolution Skills - Tuesday, July 23, 2024 - Find event and ticket ...
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