In this call, we are going to talk about 'steward ownership' (in German: Responsibility), an alternative ownership structure that is gaining international recognition and popularity. Steward ownership presents an alternative to shareholder value primacy and is essential to reaching a post-growth era. This means that steward ownership ensures that companies prioritize long-term purposes over short-term profits by legally protecting the two principles of self-determination and purpose orientation.
Annina Menzi from Purpose Switzerland will explain the basics of steward ownership and together, we'll explore its fundamental aspects. You will understand the relevance and influence of ownership structures on the fundamental dynamics of entrepreneurship as well as their impact on a New Economy, towards more responsibility and purpose. Prominent pioneers such as Patagonia, Bosch, and Ecosia, as well as emerging local pioneers like Monopole or Crowd Container among many others, already operate based on these principles.
Did you know? Purpose Switzerland is the official point of contact in Switzerland for all matters related to steward ownership – so you'll be at the very source of knowledge!
The call will be hosted by Diana Oser, collaboratio helvetica's community fairy, and Annina Menzi from Purpose Switzerland.
Annina Menzi, co-initiator of Purpose Switzerland, has been a driving force in the “New Work” and innovation industry for over ten years. As a charismatic entrepreneur with a talent for building bridges, she passionately advocates for more purpose and humanity in business. With her pioneering spirit, Annina has always been fascinated by shaping “the new normal” and can be considered a trailblazer in the Swiss “economic avant-garde”.
Who can join the call?
Anyone interested in learning more about the topic and getting to know Collaboratio Helvetica is warmly welcome to join the call, so don't hesitate to invite your friends and whomever you feel would benefit from this call.
When: March, 20, 6:00-7:30 p.m. CEST (please note that it's one hour earlier than usual)
Fee: Free of charge
Language: English
Where: The call will take place online on Zoom. Please register in advance to receive the link, as it will be sent to you by e-mail one day before the call.
If you can't register via the sign-up form for any reason, please send an email to [email protected]
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