“All grown-ups were once children... but only a few of them remember it” (The Little Prince, Antoine de Saint-Exupéry). As part of our society, we have become accustomed to going along with things, becoming what our boss wants, our partner wants, and our friend wants. But is it also what we want, who we truly are? Being permanently disconnected from ourselves makes it impossible for us to connect with others authentically and deeply. We might pretend that we listen to the other person, that we understand them, and that we care about what happens to them. Deep down, however, we often do not.
In this Community Call, we will explore some tools to reconnect with your true self through play. We will be using the joy of discovering things for the first time as you did as a child: the first time you saw a star, the first time you tasted a lemon, the first time you touched the snow. Together, we will explore those first times and try to stay in them as long as possible. From there, we will explore how to (re)connect more authentically and deeply with others. Providing a welcoming space similar to a kindergarten for grown-ups, we invite you to join, be vulnerable, and explore the potential of playful authenticity, and how to connect these insights to our current areas of work.
What do bring: Participants are kindly invited to bring an object, a memory, a song, a picture, or whatever they like that puts them in a good mood.
The call will be hosted by Matthias Ryffel, responsible for Design and Facilitaion at collaboratio helvetica, together with Catalyst and founder of Cultural Inquiry, Jose Antonio Gordillo Martorell. Jose refers to himself as an everlasting child, and his work is a constant invitation to feel the joy of playfulness, curiosity, and discovery. He thinks, creates, works, feels, and lives by playing and getting others to play. He loves to "get off his feet" to dive into the depths and explore. He loves Aikido and salsa dancing. What he does best is prepare delicious Spanish potato omelettes to eat with his friends on a Saturday afternoon. He loves and celebrates life every single day.
Who can join the call?
Everyone interested in learning more about the topic and getting to know collaboratio helvetica is warmly welcome to join the call, so don’t hesitate to invite your friends and whomever you feel would benefit from this call.
When: 05 February 2024, 19:00–20.30 CEST
Fee: Free of charge
Language: English
Where: The call will take place online on Zoom. Please register in advance to receive the link, as it will be sent to you by e-mail one day before the call.
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