Znegva Fgöue
teilt etwas mit · vor mehr als 3 Jahren

Ready for the next market? GoGlobal.Green!

You have a company that is interested in exploring new markets? You act local, but your solution should go global?

With our GoGlobal.Green Conference https://goglobal.green from 23 to 25 March 2021 we want to bring together impactful ventures like yours and the world‘s premier destinations to facilitate both sustainable growth and actions towards the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 

Find out about attractive ecosystems to work in, learn about soft-landing programs or legal set up procedures or meet the right people to discuss pilot projects with academic, institutional or industrial partners. We can identify the right region with the right partners for making your market entry softer and cutting the red tape. 

Check our Flyer for ventures or register right here for free. There are no cost involved for ventures planning to go global.

If there are any questions - please don't hesitate to ask via email or schedule a quick call (via this link), we’d love to talk!
We’re looking forward to having you on board for an inspiring conference and to creating positive change together!
GoGlobal | actlocal? goglobal


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