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Open job positions at Social Impact Award Germany & International

Hello everyone,

we're looking for 4 talented individuals to join our international team!

🇦🇹 SIA Austria Coordinator (30-40hrs): an energetic leader that will take on the implementation of the SIA program across Austria, including stakeholder management, representation in networks, and support in financial partnerships.

✍️ Content Manager (20-40hrs): a creative storyteller that can help us take our content creation and communications channels to the next level.

💰 Finance & Operations Manager (20-40hrs): a finance wizard that can support our day-to-day financial management, contractual obligations, and internal administrative processes.

🇩🇪 SIA Germany Project Manager (20-40hrs): A driven project manager that can help us unleash the potential of SIA across Germany, supporting the implementation of our program and its strategic orientation.

Find out more and apply: https://sia.click/5SPKO 🚀  

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