Network Event "Garden of Hope" - 1st of August (Zoom + Munich)
🌿 Garden of Hope: An example of regenerative agriculture in Nepal 🌱
🙋♀️ Join us for the second hybrid Akasha Network Session on Thursday (August 1st). You can either participate on site in Munich or online (Zoom).
❔ What to expect?
◽ Inspiring, virtual tour through our agriculture farm “Garden of Hope”
◽ Practical examples of our regenerative and organic agriculture methods
◽ Discussions on the relevance of healthy resources like soil for the whole ecosystem and our life as humans
◽ Outlook on next steps to create domino effects in Nepal and beyond
💻 Register now through the event link below.
🌏 One planet. One voice. 🌏
Together for a better future.
Please register in advance: https://www.akasha-academy.org/news/2024-07-akasha-network-session
Healthy soil plays a vital role in protecting biodiversity, counteracting climate change and securing food supply. But how can we protect soil in times of environmental exploitation and food mass production?
This session takes you on a journey to the “garden of hope” at the Akasha Academy in Nepal. Learn more on how we regenerate the soil and sustainably grow food on our agriculture farm. Find out about the related educational programmes that aim to promote regenerative, organic agricultural practices in Nepal and around the world. How can we learn from these inspiring stories of growth and trigger a worldwide domino effect?
What to expect:
- Inspiring, virtual tour through our agriculture farm “Garden of Hope”
- Practical examples of our regenerative and organic agriculture methods
- Discussions on the relevance of healthy resources like soil for the whole ecosystem and our life as humans
- Outlook on next steps to create domino effects in Nepal and beyond
About the Akasha Network Sessions:
We are happy to invite you to the second evening of the “Akasha Network Sessions”. This inspiring event series is dedicated to sharing stories, learnings and fostering new collaborations. Organized by the growing Akasha Academy network, the sessions will explore the transformative power of integrated education, health, and women’s empowerment on an international scale.
We are looking forward to welcoming you!
WHEN: Thursday, August 1st 2024, 7:00 – 8:30 PM
HYBRID: Zoom & Akasha Academy, Stöberlstrasse 68, 80686 Munich
PARTICIPATION: free of charge
Language: English
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