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Kostenloses Webinar: Tech Skills for Impact, 25.04., 17-18 Uhr

Hallo zusammen, 

gerne lade ich euch heute dazu ein an unserem kostenlosen Tech Skills for Impact Webinar nächsten Montag, 25. April (17-18 Uhr) teilzunehmen. Das Webinar richtet sich sowohl an Gründer*innen und Mitarbeitende von Social Startup's, als auch an Vertreter*innen von gemeinnützigen Organisationen, die an dem Thema interessiert sind. 

How to be digitally sustainable with your social startup?

Digitalization and sustainability can and must go hand in hand! Find out which technology principles and which aspects should already be considered at the beginning of your impact journey for ecological sustainability and how to implement digital tools in a sustainable way to contribute to the SDGs.

Discover the ways how to combine ecological sustainability and digitalization with the help of our expert Jutta Grabenhofer, Sustainability Lead at Microsoft Austria. Work together in teams and discuss how to minimize your digital CO2 footprint. Gather new tech skills and join us on the journey to a digitalized future with deeper social impact.

Date & time?

25.04.2022, 5-6 pm

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