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JOIN US - International Social Impact Weekend - 8.-10. April 2022

Feeling anxious about the state of the world? 🌍 Turn that anxiety into action at the second edition of the International Social Impact Weekend, presented by Social Impact Award. 

The free event will take you through all the first steps of building a venture that solves an issue you care about, and give you the chance to connect with like-minded people from around the world. If you’re looking for some positive energy in these dark times and want to become part of an international community, join SIA and discover the world of social entrepreneurship. 

The the event is packed with:

  • Skill-building workshops ✍️

  • Inspirational talks from successful social entrepreneurs 🤯

  • Networking opportunities 🤝

  • Learn how to create impact and develop a business model 💰

Whether you’re interested in social entrepreneurship and want to learn more or already have an idea and want to take it to the next level, sign up before April 7th: sia.click/PYyfQ

#SIAinternational #SIA2022 #socialentrepreneurship #impact #youcanshapethefuture #change #entrepreneurship #international #workshop #global #community#

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