January Community Call
Leading Positive Change: The Power of Stakeholder Engagement
Driving positive change is crucial for our society to thrive sustainably on a habitable planet. The required efforts to achieve these goals will need to happen in all the layers of society – companies included. At the same time, leading change within a company demands a lot of courage and persistence, with the added challenge of convincing employees to support and embrace the necessary changes. How can we best approach these challenges?
In this community call, Julia Bodin, founder of Let's Talk Waste, will share insights on how stakeholder engagement was a key element of success in the collaboration with Swiss luxury watchmaker Breitling, a company who committed to achieve zero plastic waste in their operations by 2025 .
The call will be hosted by Kaspar Paur, collaboratio helvetica's key account lead with catalyst, and founder of Let's Talk Waste, Julia Bodin. Let's Talk Waste is a project that empowers employees to actively engage and work on waste reduction, and related topics. Since 2018, Julia educates, empowers and co-strategizes with employees of companies who are looking to either raise awareness of the impact of waste and plastic pollution and/or who have a specific goal in mind to reduce waste production at their location.
Who can join the call?
Anyone interested in learning more about the topic and getting to know Collaboratio Helvetica is warmly welcome to join the call, so don't hesitate to invite your friends and whomever you feel would benefit from this call.
When: January, 22, 6:00 p.m.–7:30 p.m. CEST (please note that it's one hour earlier than usual)
Fee: Free of charge
Language: English
Where: The call will take place online on Zoom. Please register in advance to receive the link, as it will be sent to you by e-mail one day before the call.
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