Xnevan Ervauneq
teilt etwas mit · vor fast 3 Jahren

INVITATION for Online Webinar on "How films can tell a Story of a New World"

🗓 Save the date and don’t miss out on this unique opportunity: 

an online session on FILM, IMPACT STORYTELLING and how we can INSPIRE to ACTIVATE CHANGE as part of this year’s Catalyzing Change Week by Catalyst 2030.


⏰ Next Monday, May 9th, 10:30am (CEST) 

💻 a Webinar on "How films can tell a story of a new world?"

🎬 insights on impact storytelling and film,
🙌 hands-on tips and tricks on how to improve your own stories, and
🤝 networking with all the other participants of the session.
The participation is free of charge and we are looking forward to seeing you there! 

✒️ SIGN UP on: https://www.broadcast.org/film/

How films can tell a Story of a New World, May 9, 10:30 CEST —...

In a world full of pessimism, positive impactful initiatives are often unheard of. Under the scope of Catalyst 2030, this conference will shed light on ...

Themen: Film · Impact · Klimaschutz · Sinn · Storytelling · Umweltschutz · Veranstaltungen

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