Schmittberger Cooperationsmanagement COMAN
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Investment Readiness Check - now Step 1 for free

Check your investment readiness & automatically create a deal report

As a fundraiser I use a couple of professional tools to choose the right startups that I can support. One is D-Risk It ( . 

Please answer all the questions of the following questionnaire in as much detail as possible .

->  Carefully choose the right start in DesignDevelopment or Revenue phase.   

For nearly every data field you can find help texts. Read these texts carefully and answer as open and precise as possible. You will see that it is helpful for you in any case.

As Step 2 we can go through your answers in an online meeting and discuss how to improve your investment readiness. You can find details in the market place.

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Schmittberger Cooperationsmanagement COMAN
Beratung, Energie, Finanzen, Gesundheit, Technologie & IT
Fundraising für Start-ups und Venture Capital Funds, die die Nachhaltigkeitsziele...
1. Armut beenden
2. Ernährung sichern
3. Gesundes Leben für alle

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