I'm hosting a Ted circle about "Understanding systems with a focus on food and sustainability"
TED Circles is an open community of small groups that meet for conversations about big ideas. Volunteer hosts like me invite friends, neighbors, strangers, or a mix to discuss a variety of interesting topics.
It’s a great chance to learn new things and meet new people.
I’m hosting a TED Circle about "Understanding systems with a focus on food and sustainability" on Thursday, February 25th from 5 - 6:30 p.m. (GTM+1) in a video conference.
If you want to participate please RSVP via this link. To keep the conversation vivid the first 10-12 will receive an invitation. This the first hopefully many interesting conversations. See you there!
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Klingt super :)
Coole Initiatve, wäre gerne dabei, wenn es noch Plätze gibt :)
Hi!Klingt gut, aber gibt es auch einen Link? Wie wo danach suchen?VLG
Hi Linda, das ist der Link: https://events.tedcircles.com/invitation.html?id=recDxXADbilmeLYUW