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Herzliche Einladung zu unseren Workshops im April @UnityEffect - online und kostenfrei

Liebe Reflecta-Community!

Auch im April gibt es weitere Workshops von uns, die ich gerne mit euch teilen möchte. Über die eveeno Links kommt ihr zur Registrierung und erhaltet dann den Zugang per Mail. Die Workshops sind wie immer kostenlos - erzählt gerne noch weiteren Menschen davon, die ähnliche Themen bewegen. Wir freuen uns schon sehr auf den gemeinsamen Austausch! 

The Impact Garden – a regenerative theory of change

Believe it or not, we are convinced that the processes of measurement and evaluation can actually serve to increase our understanding, foster participation, and deepen our impact.

Rooted in a regenerative approach to measurement and evaluation, Unity Effect’s Impact Garden model draws on the metaphor of living systems and nature. Rather than “comparing apples and oranges”, the model seeks to understand the soil and ecosystem in which the apple and orange trees grow.

If you join, there will also be a surprise for you at the end of the workshop.

When: Thursday 25th April 2024 (4-5.30pm CEST)

Facilitated by: Jannik Kaiser

Sign up here:

Resilient and regenerative teamwork: A workshop for decision-makers in organisations

This workshop is specially crafted to empower decision-makers at all levels to support and guide their teams and organisations on their path towards becoming more resilient and thriving places to be and work in an increasingly complex world. 

During the workshop we provide hands-on experience of our work, and outline ways to collaborate with us on topics around team development and organisational learning. 

When: Monday 29th April (4-5pm CEST)

Facilitated by: Jannik Kaiser & Johannes Hochholzer

Sign up here: 29th April 2024: ;

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