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Herzliche Einladung zu unseren nächsten Free Workshops im Juni @Unity Effect, online und kostenfrei

Hallo an alle!

Nächste und die darauffolgende Woche erwarten euch weitere Free Workshops zum Zusammenspiel von innerem und äußerem Wandel, Leadership und Entscheidungsfindung, sowie zum Kreieren von tiefgehenden Lernräumen. Alle Angebote sind online, englischsprachig und kostenfrei.

Wir freuen uns sehr, euch dort zu sehen - die Anmeldung findet ihr immer beim Link unter der Beschreibung.

Liebe Grüße
Carla (Unity Effect)

Creating the link between inner and outer development: tools and frameworks for guiding change
Understanding and strengthening the connection between inner dimensions and outer action is an age-old endeavour. We are excited to co-host this workshop together with two partner organisations – Agentur 2020 and Von Westfalen. Both organisations have extensive experience in supporting teams and organisations on their path towards sustainability.In our workshop, we will:

  • introduce the framework of the Inner Development Goals and how it links to your work, and
  • explore how finding relevant metrics and applying evaluation in a regenerative way can support you in developing inner and teamwork capacities.

When: Wednesday 19th June 2024 (3-4.30pm CEST)
Facilitated by: Pascal Weith-Höinghaus, Sarah Trabazo-Neff & Jannik Kaiser
Sign up here:

How to Facilitate Deep Learning Spaces for Systems Change 
- A Networks Festival event.

Are you eager to explore innovative approaches that can enhance your coaching, consulting, or training practice? Then join us at the Fito Network’s Learning Architects event, where you'll have the unique opportunity to learn from coaches and trainers from around the world, each specialising in a unique area of expertise. Together, we'll map out a joint learning framework for network leaders, fostering a culture of continuous learning and growth.

Wednesday 19th June 2024 (4-5.30pm CEST)
Facilitated by: Nono Sekhoto (Circle Generation), Dominic Stucker (Collective Leadership Institute), Melissa Darnell (CoCreative), Michelle Smith (Circle Forward), lena Bumke (Greaterthan), Daniel Ford (Huddlecraft), Jannik Kaiser
Sign up here:

Resilient and regenerative teamwork: A free workshop for decision-makers in organisations
This workshop is specially crafted to empower decision-makers at all levels to support and guide their teams and organisations on their path towards becoming more resilient and thriving places to be and work in an increasingly complex world.During the workshop we provide hands-on experience of our work, and outline ways to collaborate with us on topics around team development and organisational learning.

Tuesday 25th June 2024 (4-5pm CEST)
Facilitated by: Jannik Kaiser & Johannes Hochholzer
Sign up here:

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