Free workshop: Introduction to Regenerative Measurement & Evaluation
For us here at Unity Effect, the process of measurement and (impact) evaluation is based on curiosity, joint learning, sharing knowledge, and applying methodologies that capture human complexity. It is an empowering process that reveals hidden opportunities and resources, creates a deeper understanding of projects, and opens up scenarios for joint action.
Yet, as most of us know, measurement and evaluation are often not applied in this way. In our 90-minute intro session, you will therefore:
learn about the fundamentals and practical applications of a regenerative approach to measurement and evaluation,
gain insights into frameworks and tools that you can apply in your work, and
explore case studies that bring Regenerative Measurement and Evaluation to life, sparking ideas and inspiration for your own context.
As well as signing up, you can read our reflections on measurement as a regenerative practice, and how we applied those ideas to the Kofi Annan Foundation’s Changemakers Initiative and to our own Purpose Journey.
When: Wednesday 9th April 2025 (4-5.30pm CEST)
Facilitated by: Laila Martins
Sign up here: https://eveeno.com/rme-intro-apr2025 ;
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