Free workshop: Drawing your organisational map – a creative twist on roles & responsibilities
Do you know that feeling when a process in your organisation is off and no one feels responsible? And you’re not sure about your own role – maybe because you’ve only just joined the organisation, or your team has been undergoing changes and redistributing certain tasks?
At Unity Effect – a social business for more than five years with a team of three to eight people – we’ve been in these situations too. In the last year we’ve reworked our organisational map to make sure that people who care about certain topics are in the driver’s seat for these respective areas. This really helped us to navigate the changes and transitions towards a part-time team. Feeling secure in your role also contributes by providing you with energy and certainty to act on the things you care about!
In this free workshop, we’d like to share our experience and approach at Unity Effect with you. We will introduce you to the concept of organisational maps based on Sourcing and you will have the opportunity to draw your own organisational map!
When: Wednesday 12th March 2025 (4-5.30pm CET)
Facilitated by: Johannes Hochholzer
Sign up here: https://eveeno.com/mapping-roles-responsibilities
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