FREE Workshop Cooperation – the key for economic transformation
Speaker: Dr. Fiona Duguid and Laura Zöckler
Time: Tuesday, 18.01.2022 from 12:30 – 14:00h
Place: Online via Zoom
Language: English
collaboration, cooperation, co-production - four “co”-words that drive
transformation. As opposed to the traditional economic model, strategies
involving plural ownership and cooperatives lead to alternative ways
for generating shared wealth. What is required for this type of economic
transformation? How can cooperative models address current challenges
for a sustainable future? By discussing theoretical and practical
matters, this workshop offers a look into the forms of organization,
strategies, and stakeholders necessary for building community-based
solutions in a present that demands climate and economic justice.
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Akademie für Social Entrepreneurship
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Akademie für Social Entrepreneurship: Zero Poverty
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