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Free webinar: How to manage your social start-up's data securely?

Hallo zusammen, 

gerne lade ich euch heute dazu ein an unserem kostenlosen Tech Skills for Impact Webinar diesen Freitag, 1. April (17-18 Uhr) teilzunehmen. Das Webinar richtet sich sowohl an Gründer*innen und Mitarbeitende von Social Startup's, als auch an Vertreter*innen von gemeinnützigen Organisationen, die an dem Thema interessiert sind. 

Tech Skills for Impact 

Part 2: How to manage your social start-up's data securely? 

Curious about how to improve your startup? In the Tech Skills for Impact webinar series from Social Impact Award Austria in cooperation with Microsoft, you can learn more about cloud computing, digital sustainability or data security and how you can use these to develop new impact and business models and sustainable digital solutions. This online workshop will further your knowledge around:

  • types and purposes of data you're collecting
  • what is important for storing and using this data
  • data security and privacy issues
all to improve your workflows and processes also in remote teams so that you can focus on your impact mission!

Florian Slezak, Microsoft expert in Data Security and Management, will be facilitating this webinar and you will get the opportunity to ask him all your questions and exchange experiences with other participants. 

Gather new tech skills and join us on the journey to a digitalized future with deeper social impact. 

Date and time: 1.04.2022, 17-18 Uhr 

Register now for free: https://sia.click/koKBt

Bei Fragen könnt ihr Euch gerne jeder Zeit an mich wenden!

Lisa Schnägelberger   

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