Free Online Workshop: Leading with Values & Purpose
Hello everyone, our next free workshop from Unity Effect is happening on Tuesday 14th February, 10:00-11:30 AM CET.
Register here to receive the Zoom link:
As leaders, our values and purpose can support us to make decisions, set priorities, navigate challenges, tap into our strengths and energy, and shape our vision and the impact we want to create. Within our teams, connecting to the individual and collective purpose and values can nurture alignment, motivation and effectiveness in our teamwork.
Over 90 minutes we will:
- Explore the role that values and purpose play in authentic leadership and empowered teamwork
- Build values literacy and practice supporting others to identify their values and purpose
- Learn frameworks and exercises to reflect on your own purpose and values, as well as for your team
Whether you are a leader, team member, or simply curious to explore values and purpose in leadership, we invite you to join us for an interactive workshop. We would love to learn from your experiences as well!
Register here to receive the Zoom link:
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