Rzvyl Wbuafgba
teilt etwas mit · vor etwa 2 Jahren

Free Online Workshop: Leadership Essentials - Setting Boundaries and Saying No

Hey everyone! I invite you to join me on June 14th, 16:00 - 17:30 for a Free Online Workshop: Leadership Essentials - Setting Boundaries and Saying No.  

You know that feeling when you say yes to a request or opportunity when you really wanted to say no?

It doesn't feel great - and often leads to resentment and overcommitment. If you struggle with this, you are definitely not alone! Imagine how much simpler it would be if we were honest about what is and isn’t ok for us in different situations and communicated that clearly. And if others were clear with us too. Liberating, right? That’s what setting boundaries is all about. 

Setting and communicating healthy boundaries is crucial for effective and empowering collaboration and leadership. Boundaries support us to have respectful working relationships where we are clear about what others can expect from us, and to be aligned and intentional in our choices and commitments, for ourselves and our teams. 

Register here to receive the Zoom link:


Wnaal Xynohua · vor etwa 2 Jahren

Dear Emily, it is such an interesting topic and I would love to register for a next posibility. This time I can't make it. Wish you lots of good conversations.

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