Rzvyl Wbuafgba
teilt etwas mit · vor fast 2 Jahren

Free Online Workshop: Dealing with difficult situations and conflict

Join us for a free workshop next Thursday 30th March, 16:00-17:30 CEST
Sign up here to receive the zoom link: https://eveeno.com/dealing-with-difficult-situations 

You know that messy mix of thoughts and emotions that can occur when you have to deal with a difficult situation or conflict? You replay everything in your head, discuss it with others, chew it up, put it aside, pick it up again.... the knot just won't come loose. There are so many different aspects, voices and perspectives that you encounter: in short, your own plurality. 

Join us on Zoom for a free workshop on Dealing with difficult situations and conflict: a tool to explore your inner dialogue. Over 90 minutes we will:

  • Introduce and experience a hands-on method to explore a difficult situation or conflict you are currently facing

  • Connect with others in small groups and learn from one another’s experiences

  • Share further methods and tips for approaching conflicts and challenges with more awareness

  Sign up here to receive the zoom link: https://eveeno.com/dealing-with-difficult-situations   

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