Rzvyl Wbuafgba
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Free Online Workshop: Building Trust & Psychological Safety in Teams

February 9th, 10:00 - 11:30 CET.

Trust: the magic ingredient for empowered, collaborative and innovative teams. In fact, in a two year study on team performance at Google, researchers found that the most important factor which set successful teams apart was psychological safety: the belief that it’s safe to take risks, make mistakes and be vulnerable with peers. Right now, with so much uncertainty and change around us, increasing the trust and psychological safety in your team is more important, and can be more challenging, than ever.

Join us on Zoom for a free workshop on ‘Building Trust and Psychological Safety in Teams’. Over 90 minutes we will: 

  • Introduce the concept of psychological safety and trust, why it’s crucial for effective teamwork and what happens to our brains when we don’t feel safe

  • Share important factors and practices for increasing the level of trust and psychological safety in your team

  • Reflect on your own team and explore what conditions and practices support and get in the way of trust and psychological safety

  • Share experiences, tips and learnings  

Whether you are a leader, team member, or simply curious to learn about the importance of building team cultures based on trust and psychological safety, we invite you to join us for an interactive workshop. Already have a high level of trust in your team? That’s great, we’d love to learn from your experiences as well! 

It’s also a chance for you to learn about our 12 week online program, the Leadership Journey, where we cover topics including creating collaborative, innovative and empowering team environments.

We look forward to exploring, reflecting and learning together with you!

Emily Johnston and The Unity Effect Team

Register here to receive the Zoom link.

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