FREE Community Wealth Building Workshop!
Meldet euch kostenlos an und seid dabei :) Die Veranstaltung wird online und auf Englisch abgehalten: Dienstag, 30.11., 12:30-16:30
Global challenges can be withstood and resisted by strong empowered communities. As an alternative to the dominant economic model, Community Wealth Building seeks to hold, share and democratize wealth within local contexts. What strategies and practical tools underpin this approach? This workshop offers a general understanding of the approach, as well as a review of successful examples in the United Kingdom.
Our input givers Eleanor Radcliffe and Oliver Seabarron work at the Centre for Local Economic Strategies (CLES). Based on the United Kingdom, CLES is a think and do tank that works for progressing economic interventions and ideas that lead to social justice and effective public services. Their experience in the implementation of Community Wealth Building strategies can be inspiring for other places that want to alleviate poverty thinking „out of the box“!
Akademie für Social Entrepreneurship
Veröffentlicht von:
Akademie für Social Entrepreneurship: Zero Poverty
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