Exclusive Invitation to the PHINEO Startups Collective Impact Summit
On May 7th, it's that time again. The COLLECTIVE IMPACT SUMMIT of PHINEO Startups takes place. The impact startups from their current program will say goodbye with pitches, and new startups will be welcomed to the upcoming program launch.
Look forward to meeting the impact community and learning more about collective impact.
This time, PHINEO Startups would also like to introduce their new collective concept to the impact community. In a world full of crises that are all interconnected, we need solutions that are also interconnected. PHINEO Startups brings together different organizations on specific topics and form collectives that use synergy effects and develop joint solutions. The collectives consists of PHINEO’s program participants, alumni, established organizations from their network and other impact startups that they actively source. They are currently establishing the following collectives: Finance, Forests, Water, Energy, Sustainable Cities, AI for Impact, Democracy.
Learn more and get your tickets here:
https://collectiveimpactsummit.eventbrite.com ;
Be part of the collective impact community by looking at synergies and by moving closer together.
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