Community call on the Inner Development Goals (IDGs), 10 May, 7-8.30 pm
In this call, we'll start with exploring and experiencing the IDGs (Inner Development Goals) framework. We will dive deeper into one of the themes, using a Theory U technique based on listening and resonance, and exchange about our personal skills and challenges with the IDGs.
Wednesday, 10 May, 7-8.30 pm
Please register here: https://collaboratiohelvetica.ch/event-agenda/community-calls-05-23
Once a month we get together as community to reflect, to celebrate, to welcome our new members, to share what moves us and to shape our community.
Please invite your friends and whoever you feel would benefit from this call and from getting to know the collaboratio helvetica community & this topic. We are happy to connect with you. Free of charge! The call will be held in English.
The call will be facilitated by Diana Oser, our community fairy together with our guests:
• Manuela Pagani Larghi, lucid dreamer and humanist economist, co-founder of IDG Ticino U.Lab Hub and In-Patto ,Dialoghi Futuri ADIG Community.
• Paolo Fedi explorer and listener, organization and innovation consultant, co-founder of IDG Rome U.Lab Hub, Benefit Innovation s.r.l. SB and In-Patto association, member of Board in Manageritalia, ongoing projects: Dialoghi Futuri ADIG Community.
The workshop will take place online on Zoom. Please register in advance to receive the zoom-link (it will be sent 1 day prior to call after registration via email).
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