Community Call: Exploring the root cases of the climate crisis (in the food, business and education sector)
14.06.2023, 7-8.30 pm
In this call, we'll introduce the topic that surrounds our next cycle of the Catalyst Lab: exploring the root causes of the climate crisis in three sectors: business, food, and education.
In this call, we are going to talk about the new thematic Catalyst Lab, focusing on the root causes of the unfolding climate crisis in three sectors: food, education and business. We will introduce collaboratio helvetica’s strategies for system change and how the Catalyst Lab fits into this work. Catalysts from the previous Catalyst Labs will be present to dive deeper with you into these topics in breakout groups and to answer any questions you might have about their catalyst journey.
Please invite your friends and whoever you feel would benefit from this call and from getting to know the collaboratio helvetica community & this topic. We are happy to connect with you. Free of charge! The call will be held in English.
The call will be facilitated by Diana Oser, our community fairy & Katalin Hausel, who's part of the Catalyst Lab hosting team.
The workshop will take place online on Zoom. Please register in advance to receive the zoom-link (it will be sent 1 day prior to call after registration via email):
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