🌟 Calling All Social Entrepreneurs! Join my Qualitative Study on Scaling in Social Entrepreneurship 🌟
Are you a passionate social entrepreneur eager to share your insights and experiences on scaling impact? For my Bachelor Thesis, I'm conducting a qualitative study focused on understanding the unique challenges and strategies involved in scaling social enterprises.
Whether you're just starting your journey or have already made significant strides in scaling your venture, we want to hear from you! Your valuable input will not only contribute to advancing knowledge in the field but also provide actionable insights for fellow social entrepreneurs (and for yourself!).
Participation in this study is confidential, and your input will be anonymized in the final report. Together, let's delve into the dynamics of scaling social entrepreneurship and pave the way for greater collective impact.
If you're interested in participating or would like more information, please reach out via direct message or email at larablanc[email protected]. Let's amplify the impact of social entrepreneurship, one insight at a time! 🚀 #SocialEntrepreneurship #ScalingImpact #QualitativeStudy
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