🌟 Calling All Impact Innovators! Join PHINEO Startups and Drive Positive Change 🌍
🌟 Calling All Impact Innovators! Join PHINEO Startups and Drive Positive Change 🌍
Are you a forward-thinking entrepreneur ready to take on the world's crises? PHINEO Startups is again calling for applications for their incubator and accelerator program, focusing on startups dedicated to addressing the pressing issues of the Climate Crisis, Democracy Crisis, and Displaced People. Seize this opportunity to be a part of a transformative journey that creates lasting impact on a global scale!
🗓️ Important Dates:
Application Deadline: 10th March 2024
Program Start: 6th May 2024
Duration: 6 Months
Format: Hybrid (Combining In-Person and Virtual)
🚀 Why Choose PHINEO?
✅ Tailored Support: PHINEO offers personalized mentorship, expert guidance, and comprehensive resources designed to supercharge your startup's success
✅ Impact Strategy: As pioneers of impact investing, measurement and management in Germany, we provide you with expert support in developing your impact strategy.
✅ Impactful Network: Connect with a diverse community of passionate entrepreneurs, investors, and experts who share your commitment to driving positive change
✅ Funding Opportunities: Gain access to potential funding sources and investors who are eager to support innovative ventures that make a difference
📢 Ready to Make a Difference? Embrace the opportunity to shape a better future with PHINEO Startups. Discover more about the application process and submit your groundbreaking solution by the 10th March deadline: Apply for Program - Phineo Startups (phineo-startups.org)
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