Rzvyl Wbuafgba
teilt etwas mit · vor etwa 2 Jahren

Call for Applications: Leadership Journey September 2022

Are you ready to grow as an authentic and purpose-driven leader? Applications for our next Leadership Journey are now open! 

Join a diverse group of leaders on a 12 week adventure through facilitated online workshops, peer-coaching sessions and plenty of tools and resources to implement into your work. Explore topics including leading in complexity, building cultures of trust, leading with purpose and values, empowering others, setting boundaries, dealing with conflict and feedback and much more.

In the words of our participant Golde Ebding:

"This 12 week Journey has been a very intensive experience that has helped me to get to know myself and my team better. The sessions were a great mix of thematic inputs, exchange with the other participants and work on ourselves as leaders and as humans in general. Thanks to that, for myself I now perceive leadership as the gift and sign of confidence that it is and am happy to assume this role in my organisation. We as a team could already implement new structures and tools that help us to grow together and to create a work environment in which we feel safe enough to be ourselves and to bring in all our resources and ideas.”

Dates: 21st September - 7th December, Wednesdays 16:00 - 18:00 CEST/CET 

Application deadline: 28th August. Apply here:  https://unityeffect.limequery.com/294224?lang=en

More information here https://unityeffect.net/leadership-journeyor reach out to [email protected]

As a member of reflecta, we are happy to offer you a 15% discount on the normal price of the Leadership Journey if you apply by July 31st. Simply enter the code REFLECTA2022 into the further comments section of the application form.

And of course we have scholarship places available as well. Please reach out if you have any questions!

P.S. Want to get a taste of the Journey and explore the importance of effective feedback for healthy and empowered collaboration and leadership? We have a free workshop on Giving and Receiving Empowering Feedback coming up on Wednesday 13th July, 16:00 - 17:30 CEST. Register here to receive the Zoom link: https://eveeno.com/giving-and-receiving-empowering-feedback

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