Naqern Ryvfnorgu Zöevxr
teilt etwas mit · vor 12 Monaten

Are you interested in scaling your impact? -> Free Online Course "Introduction to System Change"

Are you interested in scaling your impact? Join Ashoka's 4-week introductory journey to learn how to craft a systems change strategy and collaborate with other leaders to create a deep, equitable, and lasting impact. This Introduction to Systems Change course is offered free of cost. The course is facilitated by me . 

When? April 16th, 23rd, 30th and May 7th 2024 at 16:00 CET / 10:00 am ET. Learn more and register here:

📅 Applications deadline: March 24th, 2024.

 P.S. Für alle, die die Ursachen der großen Probleme in der Welt angehen wollen. Gemeinsam. 

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