19.04.2023, Berlin - Networking Event von Smart Genossenschaft und Nadia Says
Does schmoozing make you snooze? Does the saying "Hell is others" refer to small talk with strangers in your book? While some see networking as tedious or nerve-wrecking, we see it as exciting and one of your most important tools as a freelancer or job hunter! So why not join our interactive workshop, share and learn about networking experiences, and try out some practical exercises together with members of the (extended) Smart community.
Together with the session lead, Nadia Says, founder of creative freelancer platform Your Mom's Agency who already successfully tested such workshops in Berlin, Detroit and Beirut, we look forward to seeing you on Wednesday, April 19th at the Smart office in Kreuzberg.
Please bring your phone/tablet/notebook and pen. We open doors at 6PM, start the workshop at 6.30PM, and we'll finish with a Q&A at 8PM along with some drinks and light snacks.
Nadia Says is the founder of the freelancer platform www.YourMomsAgency.com supporting artists, technologists, and creatives in the fields of music and visual arts since 2012. On top of curating events such as club nights, AV festivals, and educational programs in Berlin, Los Angeles, Beirut and more exciting cultural hubs, Says also consults to help creatives build up projects and solidify their marketing strategy both short and long term.
Please register: https://bit.ly/3n0nTf3
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