16-18 April | International Social Impact Weekend |
Empfehlung und Einladung von unseren lieben Kooperationspartner*innen Agneta Befurt & Jonas Dinger vom Social Impact Award Germany:
Discover the world of social entrepreneurship at the first ever International Social Impact Weekend (16.-18. April)!
Organized by global social entrepreneurship program Social Impact Award, the event is packed with:
- Skill-building workshops
- Inspirational talks from successful social entrepreneurs
- Networking opportunities with people around the world
The event is for both young people with no prior experience and knowledge about the field, as well as young people with an existing idea for a social venture looking to pursue social entrepreneurship further. Participants also get the opportunity to learn more about the next steps of the SIA program, including our internationally-recognized incubation program and awards.
Learn more and register before April 12th here: https://sia.click/international_SIW
The event is in English, completely accessible online and for free.
Eventbrite - Social Impact Award presents International Social Impact Weekend - Friday, April 16, 2021 | Sunday, April 18, 2021 - Find event and registr...
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