Togetherness Hub
Gemeinnütziger Verein
The Togetherness Hub represents the first international & interdisciplinary community platform, which unites global thought leaders, researchers and projects on Social Health, Loneliness Interventions & the Future of Human Connection.

Die Vision
We’re striving to help governments, companies, organizations, educators and individuals understand the importance of Social Health, reduce the stigmatization surrounding Loneliness and are committed as a community to create a future, where every individual has the possibility to find connection & belonging.
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Vernetze dich mit Changemakern und Startups auf
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Organisationen in unserem Netzwerk
Aquisito e.V.
Crazy Heart Tour
SV Blau-Weiß Empor Wanzleben e.V.
Dienstleister:innen aus dem Changemaker Marktplatz
Unity Effect
designdialog GmbH und Co. KG